Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] long period [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
2 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
3 You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy , and have really good eyesight .
4 Do not work for long periods without a break .
5 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
6 Do n't sunbathe for long periods in the same position .
7 An annual briefing on cable break procedures and other emergencies would be very valuable for everyone who flies gliders , and particularly those who stop flying for long periods over the winter months and so get badly out of practice .
8 As the products of such events could be stored for long periods in the thick sub-cratonic lithospheric keel , there is ample scope for ancient relict-enriched mantle to be involved in younger igneous events .
9 Like so many of the visitors , though he was dressed in the bright overalls of the Men he stared for long periods into the Cages , but it seemed to Creggan that his staring was different from the others and less cruel .
10 Older people who have fewer than eight main meals each week , or who go for long periods of the day without food , are considered to be especially at risk .
11 Although they struggled for long periods against the same Turkey side England beat 4-0 last month , Graham Taylor — watching from the stands — said : ‘ Of the three results possible , this was the worst one .
12 However , adaptive research is rather demanding upon scarce skilled manpower , and it also requires researchers to live for long periods outside the comfort and orderliness of the research station itself .
13 For example if studying for an exam , it is well established that studying for long periods without a break is literally , a waste of time .
14 More and more they were now given the title of " extraordinary " , even when they remained for long periods at the courts to which they were sent : increasingly the term , applied to either an ambassador or an envoy , became a mere title of honour .
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