Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the first [noun sg] war " in BNC.

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1 Shell manufacture in Blundell Street car shed during the First World War : 200,000 shells were produced here , largely by female labour , yielding a profit to the Town of £16,000 , which was used to pay for the erection of the Cenotaph war memorial on Princess Parade .
2 Unfortunately heavy losses occurred during the First World War with all four being sunk .
3 In fact , the Empire was dissolved after the First World War into several new nations , though this was probably due as much to the policies of the victorious nation states as to the strength of indigenous nationalist movements .
4 And , his answer to that , is that psychoanalysis can give us a very interesting and unique insight into , into religion , and this was an insight which had emerged in the course of , the nineteen twenties , following the developments of psychoanalysis that occurred after the First World War , which we 've already looked at and is essentially the concept of transference .
5 Th you know it was just the sort of it , it all changed after the First World War and completely changed after the Second World War .
6 Rauschning was an ex-Prussian cadet who had been wounded in the First World War .
7 Born in Slovenia , Bratina trained with the Austrian Olympic gymnastic team before the 1914 games were cancelled by the First World War .
8 It tells the story of an engineer who loses his job because of the effects of being gassed during the First World War .
9 His two pamphlets written during the First World War ( Durkheim , 1915a , 1915b ) show a total disregard — astonishing in a sociologist — for the social causes of the war ; the first provides a brief diplomatic history of the events leading up to the war , intended to demonstrate German ‘ guilt ’ , while the second naively analyses , during the postwar period , in nationalist movements and the formation of nation states is easily understandable , since it coincided in the first place with an upsurge of nationalism directed specifically against the economic and political dominance of the Western capitalist countries — where the great majority of sociologists live and work — which created an entirely new situation and new problems for those countries .
10 The village hall was built after the First World War and serves the community 's needs .
11 Born in the last months of Queen Victoria 's reign and brought up in the Edwardian era , she encouraged her grandchildren to spend their childhoods much as she and her contemporaries had done before the First World War .
12 Right O K yeah that 's the other major erm feature is that agriculture 's share of world trade has declined and manufacturing er share of world trade has increased and I 've got some er some numbers here erm so it says before the first world war agriculture 's share of world trade was over fifty percent , today it is less than fourteen percent okay , so agriculture 's share in world trade is declining and has been declining er essentially over the the last sort of seventy years or so .
13 On the first night we went on aguided tour of the Stonehenge works and saw various locos dating from the first world war and plenty of ex-sand wagons which were used in the pits of the area .
14 Well er I think some of my earliest memories are er dating to the First World War time when I was a boy and we lived in Street which er during the war , we made a shift to which was really the opposite side of the street .
15 His ‘ fascist ’ ideas had first been shaped by the First World War , which he felt Britain should not have entered .
16 From this grim situation the party was saved by the First World War .
17 It also enhanced the national rivalries that would eventually touch off the First World War .
18 One of them had been blown up four times , minesweeping during the First World War , and in consequence had a chronic twitch .
19 Oh rather yes , out-work , people used during the First World War there were no end of people were sort of er especially if they 'd had a bit of experience in the leather industry like harness and saddlery and that sort of thing , especially the harness and er other work attached to leather cavalry and er revolver holsters and that sort of thing , they 'd do them at home you know oh yes there was er now Walsall 's divided is n't it ?
20 There was a need to keep the US public involved in great power politics , in marked contrast to what happened after the First World War .
21 In 1903 it was deserted by the master stevedores , who formed their own association and in 1913 a new organization came into being , the Employers ' Association of the Port of Liverpool , which stood aloof from the National Maritime Board until it was reconstituted after the first world war .
22 The superstition that the third light from a match brings bad luck apparently originates from the first world war , when German soldiers in the opposite trench would notice the first light , take aim at the second and fire at the third .
23 It was the products of American factories that kept the Allies supplied in the First World War ; it was American money that financed the Allied war effort and made the USA a creditor rather than a debtor nation by 1918 .
24 And he er he 'd made all that lace , well then instead of him going in the First World War and making the net which was used you see his lace trade all went .
25 In the 1920 's a new high altar and reredos was erected as a memorial to those parishioners who had died in the First World War .
26 Matter of of people who 'd died in the first world war .
27 However , this turned out to be , in reality , another part of Kaiser Wilhelm 's expansionist policy , so the concessions were cancelled in 1905 and in 1914 , when Portugal joined in the First World War , all German interests were taken over by the Portuguese Government .
28 The village hall , known as the Victory Hall , was an old army hut used in the First World War .
29 Among some of the exotic craft on display are bi-planes used in the First World War .
30 Whereas the railways in the past had been an integral part of the cityscape , running down main streets , leaving in their wake a succession of railroad crossings on the classic American street grid plan , by the turn of the century they were already disappearing behind fences , into cuttings , or underground , a process which was to be speeded up in the years leading to the First World War .
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