Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] to go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kohl has decided to go on with a fast-breeder reactor in Kalkar on the Rhine , although development costs have quadrupled to 6–5 billion DM .
2 There is one ray of hope — one member of the rescue team , himself an experienced caver , is a Casualty consultant from Suffolk who has volunteered to go down with the party to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured man .
3 Judging from geological surveys , they expect to have to go down to a depth of 45 metres before they find it .
4 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
5 And it more or less made it that we 'd got to go back for the ten and thruppence .
6 The Corporal stopped , ordering the boy who 'd fired to go back to the spot and engage the malais as they came down the road .
7 It 's been a very big step to use pressure flow studies at all , and now that we 're used to using pressure flow studies , we 're going to have to go back to the drawing board and perhaps learn to use a different kind of technology that 's ambulatory , that allows us
8 ‘ I 'm going to have to go out for a while . ’
9 If we fell off the rope we would have had to go back to the start .
10 She could have refused to go back to the Ward house , but she owed this woman everything .
11 used to get told to go out in the Autumn and we used to get told by the , used to get taken out by the teacher into some woods and you would have to collect the leaves .
12 for me , so , I 've arranged to go back to the dentist then .
13 I had arranged to go out in a crab boat to get JTR 's coastal sketches .
14 Burton said that he had promised to go back to the Old Vic for £45 a week to do Hamlet , and he was sticking to it .
15 He joked : ‘ I would rather just do the run — but I 'm told I 've got to go through with the ceremony as well . ’
16 The killer is when you 've got to go out to a special occasion is n't it ?
17 Cos I 've got to go out in a few minutes .
18 so it 's erm the times have all changed now because of going somewhere different , but of course you 've got ta go out tonight , we 've got to , in fact we 've got to go out within the hour , it 's Steve 's mum 's birthday erm so tomorrow you know you ca n't get think and my brother turned up last night so you just ca n't , I have n't even packed his case yet .
19 ‘ I 've got to go down to the off-licence later . ’
20 ‘ First I 've got to go back into the Castle and get my brother . ’
21 If you want to know why things have turned out as they are , you 've got to go back to the beginning . ’
22 If you do n't do it , it 'll be two possibly threeish because you 're not too sure , you 've got to go back to the second appointment and he might do it but then again he may not .
23 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
24 Erm yes I , I 've got to go back with the money
25 Well often I might see somebody waving out by the gate frantically trying to get in where he 's put one of his different size padlocks round the gate , the back gate and the front gate , and often if we need to feed the cat he 's padlocked all the different padlocks round the kitchen cupboards erm we 've been unable to get the cat food out , so we 've had to go off in the car and bring him back from a friend because he 's the only one who knows which key goes with which padlock to undo all the cupboards .
26 This time bomb is ticking away , colleagues , and in about twenty years ' time , we 'll be back to where we were we 'll have a lot of people who 've got small pensions , based on their previous employment with a health authority or a local authority , British Gas or the electricity companies then they 've had to go out on the open market and they will be under-funded and have inadequate pension when they retire .
27 ‘ They were telling everying to go out of the front of the shop , ’ he said .
28 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
29 That joint 's got to go on by a quarter to , or goodness knows what time dinner will be ready . ’
30 so she 's got to go back in a few weeks ' time
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