Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the whole [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The agency calls for radar to be installed to cover the whole Scottish coast , and says tanker masters should be required to report significant failures to the Coastguard immediately they happen .
2 ‘ I just want to forget the whole damn thing . ’
3 ‘ They know the anniversary 's coming up and they want to start the whole damn Reconciliation over again . ’
4 But one night we tried to get the whole entire floor out on the landing .
5 It is clear that some variables in English do function in a very general way : for example , variation between the alveolar and velar nasal in the present participle ending ( ing ) is universal and can be said to mark the whole English-speaking world as a single speech community .
6 I 'd like to wipe the whole sordid episode from my mind , as quickly as possible , if you do n't mind , Guy . ’
7 There are already signs that its great wealth and influence are beginning to regenerate the whole southern half of Africa , particularly the previously beleaguered states of Mozambique , Angola and Zambia .
8 Knowing Esther , she would have executed the whole devious scheme with the utmost care .
9 This would have excluded the whole ecclesiastical section of landholding society from the ordinary complex of feudal relationships , and in doing this , it would have threatened the cohesion of a kingdom in a way that no earlier reforming decree had done .
10 We had barely forty minutes there , but we still managed to walk the whole huge complex , even climbing to the top of the smaller Pyramid of the Moon .
11 It is notorious that ambitious ideas claiming to mirror the whole human condition have often turned out to describe chiefly the condition of the group doing the theorising .
12 Occasionally , these views find theoretical expression in a form that may seem to put the whole standard-setting enterprise in question .
13 It is only a matter of time before somebody decides to rubbish the whole global warming theory out of sheer desperation at finding a new angle .
14 She had felt the whole silent movement of that field , each straining golden head , instinctively , blindly , passionately turning towards the light .
15 I now realised that there must have been other little gaps and vacancies about the house but , between the tablets and the total absence of any careless talk , I had wiped the whole unfortunate episode right out of my head …
16 But she had spent the whole long night playing at make-believe , so surely she could manage to play the game a while longer .
17 ‘ Ken , I 've discovered the whole bloody Cabinet — the people who run Britain — are drug smugglers .
18 Or trying to , but I 'd have a great deal more chance of success if people did n't keep trying to drag the whole sordid mess out into the open .
19 I wanted to shoot the whole fuckin' lot of them .
20 In a review of John Betjeman 's verse-autobiography Summoned by Bells ( 1960 ) , Philip Larkin remarked approvingly that Betjeman , in his triumphant lucidity , had managed to bypass the whole light industry of exegesis ; that Eliot 's famous demand about the need of poets , in the present state of civilisation , to be difficult could only be an ingenious bit of intellectual job-creation , a Modernistic charter to make work for unemployed critics ; and that the tradition of Kipling and A. E. Housman stood ready to hand for instant revival , ever eager to prove that poetry can still enjoy a reading public if only the poet is prepared to be simple , moving and memorable .
21 Their lack of commitment to extending their own professional knowledge and understanding , and their rampant anti-intellectualism , tended to infect the whole professional climate of their schools , depriving them of the spark of lively discussion about issues which is essential to educational progress , and dampening the enthusiasms of those staff who were otherwise inclined .
22 Whether she ever told what she 'd found I never discovered , but for my own part I only wanted to forget the whole frightening incident .
23 They have questioned the whole underlying design assumption of the private car as a throw-away product .
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