Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the [noun sg] around the " in BNC.

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1 He tried to fit the image around the word ‘ quaint ’ , or rather the nearest Trob equivalent , which was ‘ that pleasant oddity of design found in the little coral houses of the sponge-eating pigmies on the Orohai peninsular ’ .
2 Following the award of Magna Carta in 1215 Elias helped distribute the charter around the shires , becoming an enthusiastic adherent of the rebel barons and preaching their cause at St Paul 's cross in London .
3 ‘ But I did feel a bit funny afterwards because it was so early and I did n't remember seeing the man around the house before .
4 white and light green oxide were used for the dabs of pale green on the lining fabric , and a scumble of pure white was used to highlight the grey around the backs of the shoes .
5 As the service tunnel is driven probes are used to test the ground around the heading and remedial work is undertaken where necessary to strengthen the ground or prevent water penetration .
6 There are various types of mutilation : 1 ) Circumcision Proper which involves removing the hood around the clitoris .
7 And in her condition there was no way that she could have tied the rope around the beam , claimed prosecuting counsel , Rodney Klevan , QC .
8 The typical known user had been smoking heroin daily for about one to three years , having started the habit around the age of 16–18 , and was using 0.25–0.5 gram of heroin per day ( costing between 20 and 35 ) at the time of agency contact .
9 In this case you may want to centre the pattern around the centre of the machine even if this means mismatching side seams .
10 Yesterday , as detectives continued to search the area around the flat , Janice refused to answer reporters ' questions .
11 ‘ Do n't you Zimberalda me , pal , or I 'll start flinging the china around the room ! ’
12 Forces of the rebel Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) which remained under the command of Col. John Garang continued to hold the area around the towns of Torit and Kapoeta , in the south of Equatoria state .
13 ‘ First they have to blast the rock around the ore body .
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