Example sentences of "[noun] proved [prep] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fourth side of the pond proved to be the busiest and also the best in terms of good finds .
2 Jacob Manor proved to be the very opposite of David Damiani or Fatima Zamzam .
3 I shall simply say that Lord Hailsham 's ‘ little ewe lamb ’ has not in practice proved to be the liberalising measure which he had hoped .
4 In many ways entry into middle management proved to be the exciting new challenge I was hoping for .
5 Her joke proved to be the dirtiest yet .
6 Resources proved to be the only issue .
7 For Carol Australia proved to be the wonderful country of her dreams .
8 The political violence which became inextricably linked with the BUF proved to be the other great negative factor in its fortunes , despite some temporary gains amongst those who were frightened by working-class and Jewish militancy .
9 Mike Michaels the Mechanical Magician proved to be the best novelty act the show has unearthed in years .
10 In fact , however , the signing of this treaty proved to be the last hurrah of de Gaulle 's West European strategy .
11 Even so , it was a problematic proposal , and the publication of the draft treaty proved to be the high watermark of European union in the early 1950s .
12 The ADSW 's annual conference in Inverness proved to be the usual friendly affair with more than its fair share of memorable moments .
13 Dakar proved to be the last occasion that de Gaulle 's efforts to win over territories in the empire were conducted in close and sincere collaboration with his allies .
14 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
15 Scats proved to be the ideal dither fish .
16 An unusual discovery of recent date proved to be the so-called Sebasteion ( after Sebastos , Greek equivalent of Augustus ) , a striking building complex dedicated to Aphrodite and the cult of the emperor Augustus and his Julio-Claudian dynasty , and lavishly decorated with relief sculpture .
17 A strip of turf between tapes and banners in the grounds of the Victoria Wells Hotel proved to be the kindest terrain the leaders had encountered in two hours .
18 The Germans this time proved to be the better shots , but were very impressed with the new British SA-80 rife and its optic sight .
19 It is clear that enhanced staffing proved to be the single most potent strategy in the Programme , though it was not without its problems , and the potential of some PNP appointments was frustrated by attitudes and decisions at the school level .
20 But Vienna proved to be the last summit for six years and SALT II was never ratified by the US Senate , for in December the Red Army invaded neighbouring Afghanistan in order to prop up a weak Marxist government .
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