Example sentences of "[noun] kept [v-ing] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He wondered why the Fanshawe business kept intruding and upsetting his concentration , and then suddenly he knew .
2 Manfully , Roebuck kept exercising and treating his ankle .
3 Meanwhile Yanek , up on the mountain , was no nearer remembering what the sun-god had told him , because the little goblin kept pestering and distracting him every minute of the time , turning somersaults , sliding down the waterfall , buzzing and chattering .
4 Humber kept reappearing and checking his charts .
5 While I was n't exactly happy about this , it was interesting to see what happened ; the tip of the Plexaurelia branch which had landed in the mushroom polyps developed blister-like clear vesicles , the whole animal kept inflating and deflating itself more frequently than usual , and after about a week collapsed completely .
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