Example sentences of "[noun] unless it [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The announcement managed to elevate the NT import to the level of a strategic operating system for DEC , which is embracing it as a ‘ corporate solution ’ , language rarely heard from DEC 's mouth unless it 's talking about VAX/VMS .
2 What they have to say by way of appraisal has no effective force unless it is incorporated into the mediation process enacted by teachers and under their control .
3 Although he had helped to set up British Aerospace as a nationalised company , he was convinced it could not take on the huge rival plane-makers in the United States unless it was unfettered from government control .
4 Secondly , recent changes in the structure of the civil service with the development of the agency model through the Next Steps programme will not improve matters unless it is linked to changing roles and relationships .
5 ( 4 ) The Bills of Sale Act 1878 will apply to genuine sale transactions so that a sale of goods evidenced in writing , by virtue of which the seller remains in possession , is void against execution creditors and trustees in bankruptcy unless it is registered in compliance with the Act ( Bills of Sale Act 1878 s8 ) .
6 President Özal declared on Jan. 18 that " Turkey will not engage either in a ground war or in an air war unless it is attacked by Iraq " .
7 Water from other sources , such as streams or shallow wells , should be regarded with suspicion unless it is proved by tests to be free from organic and bacterial contamination .
8 It is obvious that environmental factors exert a far-reaching influence on this particular AL and , indeed , the concept of ‘ safety ’ has no real meaning unless it is considered in relation to ‘ the environment ’ .
9 Throughout this tine , the assumption was that the government was seeking a mandate to continue the war , and as late as October Bonar Law could still see " almost no chance of any joint action of this kind unless it is begun as the result of an election which takes place during the war and under the pressure of war conditions " .
10 The Gulf war has demonstrated that the mere accumulation of data does n't confer an automatic advantage unless it is complemented by quality analysis and contextual detail .
11 The decision in Chamberlain was also followed and referred to in Vestey v IRC 31 TC 1 but Lord Reid did give a warning : The ingenuity of those who devise these schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property can never be comprised in a settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think as a general rule this must now be the test .
12 The ingenuity of those who devise those schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property could never be comprised in the settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think that as a general rule this must now be the test .
13 Even so , the refugees themselves are likely to resist any settlement unless it is forced upon them by the Syrian government itself .
14 No proposal involving additional spending can be discussed by ministers in Cabinet or Cabinet subcommittee unless it is accompanied by a Treasury paper on the cost consequences .
15 An important safety rule is never to leave your board unless it is to get into a safety boat , since your board will make it easier for rescuers to see you and will keep you afloat .
16 A notice of severance or declaration of trust whilst being effective in equity , would have no effect on the register unless it was completed by an application to register a restriction so that the register shows that the survivor of the former two joint tenants is no longer able to give a valid receipt for capital monies ( see Precedent 14 ) .
17 An order for payment of money or for the transfer of assets can not be an order intended to restore parties to transactions to their former positions unless it is known in relation to each transaction in question ( a ) who were the parties ( b ) what the nature of the transaction was and ( c ) what assets or money each party to the transaction had paid or transferred to the others .
18 If the Commission regards the complaint as validly demonstrating a breach of the Convention it reports to that effect , and the case proceeds to the European Court of Human Rights unless it is solved in the meantime .
19 The rapid expansion of fish farming , which has taken place predominately in Scottish waters , presents serious risks for the marine environment unless it is brought under strict control by the government , according to a report from the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) .
20 However , making prescribed drugs less easily available is unlikely to help most patients unless it is accompanied by discussion of their problems or referral to appropriate agencies .
21 The question was then what should be done with it — and there was no point in setting up the collection unless it was going to be a working library .
22 A tribunal can not consider an unfair dismissal complaint unless it is presented during a three-month period beginning with the effective date of termination .
23 President George Bush , a long-term member of the NRA , had stated on the eve of the vote that he would veto the bill unless it was attached to an omnibus anti-crime package which constituted one of the administration 's legislative priorities for 1991 .
24 Difficulties in contrast sensitivity may not become apparent when the Snellen Test is used , but a child scoring medium or low levels on a contrast sensitivity test could have problems in discriminating print unless it was presented in strong contrast in a good light .
25 A care order other than an interim order will continue in force until the child 's eighteenth birthday unless it is brought to an end sooner ( s91(11) ) .
26 As Geoffrey le Bel said in the preamble to one of his charters , ‘ whatever happens at one point of time will scarcely ever reach the next generation in a reliable and true account unless it is committed to writing . ’
27 The Socratic-critical spectator finds miracles on stage arbitrary or childish ; and , in fact , most of us in the modern world are incapable of feeling any myth as a credible reality unless it is mediated through the abstractions of scholarship : our own mythology has been all but destroyed .
28 Brownie points for guts , if true ; but public confidence is not going to be restored in the integrity of official information unless it is seen to be properly independent of the government machine that is now exerting its improper pressures behind closed doors .
29 ‘ We can be certain that the designer of Class AA ( an undergraduate student ) did not read your article in Wireless World unless it was translated into Japanese ; he can not , read , write or speak English .
30 Trade discount , however , would usually be deducted from the cost unless it was received as a rebate from the supplier when the company as a whole reached a certain level of purchases .
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