Example sentences of "[noun] told [noun] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Winnie Mandela told supporters that she had been found guilty by the media .
2 Miss Pickering told magistrates that he opened up accounts with names he plucked from the telephone directory .
3 Sarah told Maureen that she had received one by the same post .
4 Berisha told reporters that he had informed Genscher that Albania 's most urgent needs were for aid for agriculture and for help in solving transport problems .
5 Referring to the recent bomb blasts in Belfast , Portadown and Magherafelt , Sir Patrick told reporters that he believed the IRA had stepped up its campaign of destruction because it would never win by the ballot-box and he revealed that he would be talking to senior RUC officers later today to discuss the present security situation .
6 Philip Leapor told Freemantle that he worked for the Blencowe family for five years following his daughter 's birth .
7 Nigel told Eleanor that he despised her for making a pass at him .
8 Despite having over a year left on his contract , McHale told Foreman that he did not figure in his long-term plans .
9 Later Helen told Maureen that they had intended to wait until nearer the time to announce their news , but that seemed the right moment .
10 * The Shah told Walters that he had no intention of abdicating .
11 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
12 O'Flaherty told Eric that he did n't mind which way we brought up our children either , provided they were baptized as Catholics .
13 Mr Parkinson told MPs that he welcomed the report by Sir Anthony Hidden , QC .
14 Responding to the absence of clearer guidelines on exchange rates , Bérégovoy told reporters that it indicated that current parities suited all G-7 partners .
15 At this time , Miller told Blair that he had been working with Nathanael St André , ‘ the famous anatomist ’ , examining structures of plants and he believed that together they would make some curious discoveries .
16 On the eve of her seventh birthday , Nanny told Artemis that she had been invited downstairs that very afternoon to take tea with her father .
17 Also on April 30 , de Klerk told Parliament that he had ordered the release of 933 political prisoners since 1990 , and that those still in prison would be freed within days .
18 On being questioned , Murdock told Boulton that he had turned the hat out of wood on a lathe that he had designed himself .
19 Something in her mother 's voice told Lizzy that she meant it .
20 Faculty chairman Peter Wyman told ACCOUNTANCY that he thought the editorials were ‘ outrageous ’ .
21 Pham told delegates that there had been a rapid increase in export turnover during the first half of 1990 , but that the production of export goods was threatened by the major socio-economic changes in Eastern Europe , which had forced some countries to cancel contracts , and that " the dilatory payment and overdue debts to the export goods manufacturers fail to encourage the production of export goods " .
22 In September 1539 Sir Thomas Heneage told Cromwell that he had managed to get three bills signed by Henry , but there were several others for which his successors in office would have to get that difficult authority , the royal signature .
23 With the guilt swept from her mind , Ana seemed to have improved almost overnight and the pleasure on Felipe 's face told Maggie that he saw it too .
24 Elizabeth told Betty that Wyn had been to school with Hywel , and Betty told Elizabeth that she had heard that the Welsh standard of education was very high .
25 James told magistrates that he had been using speed for about five years and injected himself three or four times a month .
26 At lunch , Sir Henry told Holmes that he had decided to go to Baskerville Hall .
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