Example sentences of "[noun] as [adv] as the eye " in BNC.

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1 On either side as far as the eye could see , long lines of children , dwarfed by the adults stooped over the restless machinery , reached or crawled , snatched or darted , in and out of the network of rattling belts and hissing pipes , playing a constant game with death .
2 The plain stretched north and south as far as the eye could see and there was no sign of either vegetation or habitation — nothing but dust , rock and sand .
3 One minute you 're surrounded by the modern bustle of Egypt 's capital — the next you come face to face with ancient history as a sprawling housing estate is replaced by the stately pyramids and sand as far as the eye can see .
4 Behind the house , the railway embankment stretches straight and level in both directions as far as the eye can see , which is a long way .
5 The view from the window is spectacular — wall as far as the eye can see , in every shade of red from brick to sooty maroon .
6 And , as anywhere else , transitory lighting can turn a nondescript topography into a picture , as up on the Barkly Tableland where the narrow tarmac ribbon is frayed at the edges into blond tussocky grass as far as the eye can see .
7 No other vehicle was in sight as far as the eye could see .
8 I remembered arriving in Cross the previous day on the school bus noticing the universal teatime re-fuelling of hundreds of fires and stores ; fresh puffing chimneys as far as the eye could see .
9 Not only are there vines as far as the eye can see from its brand-new winemaking centre in Vertus , but the company also owns nearly 310 acres of its own vineyards , most of them sited on the Côte des Blancs .
10 There were green fields as far as the eye could see .
11 The tumbled surface of the sea looked blue-green , with white horses as far as the eye could see .
12 The land was not flat now but undulating , rising no more than a few feet in various shades of brown and gold as far as the eye could see .
13 There are beautiful faces as far as the eye can see .
14 Outside the kitchen were brambles and thistles as far as the eye could see .
15 Cross-references to this appendix are given by italic numbers , ( eg 16 ) From Joseph Conrad , The Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing-stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences , incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes , and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean ; for there was no sign of human habitation as far as the eye could reach ( 1 ) .
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