Example sentences of "[noun] over the [num ord] 10 [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Under the plan , L&H 's 629 former partners are being asked to pay back over $40m over the next 10 years , with some partners ' personal assessments totalling as much as $400,000. 475 partners are thought to have approved the plan , but the remainder have either expressed their intention to appeal or have declared themselves personally bankrupt .
2 Clerical Medical has designed this Plan to help you to make the most of the profit from your savings over the next 10 years .
3 This has come about partly as a result of research over the last 10 years or so into various forms of involvement in the teaching of reading .
4 Research over the next 10 years should greatly clarify the issue .
5 A guaranteed investment of over £14 million in their homes over the next 10 years .
6 The government was planning an $8,000 million investment programme to double electricity-generating capacity over the next 10 years , while short-term measures to alleviate the problem involved importing movable power generators aboard floating barges .
7 It was the kind of socialism that insisted the NHS was not split up or sold off , that resented the injustice of the poll tax , and opposed the centralisation , control and censorship which had eroded civil liberties over the last 10 years .
8 The USA and Canada had sought a commitment to dismantle all agricultural subsidies over the next 10 years on the grounds that such subsidies distorted world trade and formed a major impediment to the further liberalization of world trade being currently negotiated under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) within the " Uruguay Round " [ see pp. 37227-28 ] .
9 As we move into 1993 The Women Artists Slide Library will be presenting a profile on its work and development over the last 10 years at the Centre 181 Gallery , King Street , in Hammersmith , London .
10 About half the companies set up in the UK over the last 10 years are no longer with us .
11 Have sales of religious books matched the growth in ethnic minority groups in the UK over the last 10 years and the related interest in the religions of the Middle and Far East ?
12 Following talks with President Gorbachev ( who accepted an invitation to visit Egypt ) and other Soviet leaders , agreements were signed on economic , trade , scientific and technical co-operation over the next 10 years .
13 I reckon that at the very least , £1 million will be heading back into the game over the next 10 years thanks to the WRU 's shrewd deal in supplying Burton with 500 tickets for every Arms Park international , plus their cup final .
14 There has been a 30–40 per cent reduction in the amount of fat on pigs over the last 10 years , ’ says Professor James .
15 And with military police on hand to keep out the hordes of autograph hunters that will dog the tourists ' every footstep over the next 10 weeks , there were no interruptions .
16 The study comes at a time when many health authorities are reducing the number of clinics and there has been a 35% rise in teenage pregnancy rates over the last 10 years .
17 Those are the fruits of an improved economy over the last 10 years .
18 The leaked financial projections show that the Government is giving the authorities substantial leaway for raising dividends in real terms over the next 10 years .
19 As a producer , MacCabe is naturally enough dismayed by this pro-directorial bias : ‘ If you look at what 's been happening to British cinema over the last 10 years or so , then it 's clear that it has tended to be production-led — names like Working Title , Palace Films or Zenith are as important as those of any individual director .
20 The document , which was leaked to The Ecologist magazine , also states that the proportion of failures has multiplied by two and a half times over the last 10 years .
21 A glimpse off how these ‘ compensation effects ’ could work their way through the economy is given in another study , also by the Warwick institute , on the change in employment patterns over the next 10 years .
22 They plan to build another 40 houses over the next 10 years .
23 The new French minister of industry , Gerard Longuet , seems anxious to hurry along the privatisation of Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , which has cost the French government some $2,500m over the last 10 years , according to Les Echos .
24 More than 20 animals have become extinct within the state over the last 10 years — compared to 40 during the last 194 years , since colonization .
25 The overall award went to the Chesham Building Society but because the awards were based on performance over the last 10 years , the Royal Bank should soon be pitching for the top spot .
26 By this stage the fielding captain has been compelled to resort to his second and third string bowlers , keeping his main strike men back to stem the batting slog over the last 10 overs .
27 ‘ We have been monitoring the downward trend over the last 10 years , and our impression is that the decline is beginning to bottom out : there may have been 5m fewer loans last year , but the drop was 15m in 1991–92 .
28 The main engines of growth were capital spending ( under the June Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) agreement [ see below ; p. 36892 ] the Japanese government committed itself to spend 430,000,000 million yen ( US$3,200,000 million ) on public works over the next 10 years ) and domestic consumption ( domestic demand rose by almost 6 per cent during the year ) .
29 Many questions were asked on these papers by the Panel , and the other thing that I thought was very revealing , is one point that I 've been hammering away at , is the fact that they actually produced these figures for U K car registrations over the last 10 years , 10 years ago there were one and a half million , last year there were nearly 2 and a half million .
30 The building society industry faces major changes — including a reduction in numbers over the next 10 years
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