Example sentences of "[noun] over [art] future [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then there are still doubts over the future of the custard cream biscuit — whose name suggests to Brussels bureaucrats ingredients which it does not contain .
2 Similarly , the satisfaction he felt over the Jamaican excursion , with its intoxicating combination of deal-making , fun and the promise of profit , was somewhat dampened by the nagging uncertainty over the future of the Sex Pistols .
3 Yesterday 's announcement followed weeks of uncertainty over the future of the plant , which employs 700 people .
4 Perhaps one should note the care with which the present leader of the party , John Hume , chooses his words over the future of the North .
5 Pablo Benavides , the European Community official who has been trying to mediate between Slovakia and Hungary over the future of the Gabcikovo hydroelectric project [ see ED 67 , 68 ] , has said that his efforts to negotiate a compromise have " reached the limit of possibilities " .
6 The probability must be that Ceolwulf and Ecgberht were in accord over the future of the diocese of Hexham and that both approved of Acca 's continued exclusion .
7 The EC Commission President , Jacques Delors , is calling for closer European unity despite worries over the future of the Maastricht Treaty .
8 Writing as President of the Light Railways Transport League in 1952 , he continued to show optimism over the future of the tramway : ‘ Here in Blackpool there is no talk at all about abandoning tramways , but on the other hand our progressive modernisation programme continues ’ .
9 Nevertheless , and as had occurred on previous celebratory occasions for the National Association and the District , considerable apprehension and anxiety over the future of the movement existed as the achievement of ambitious post-war objectives remained unrealised .
10 One surprise in the bill was a U-turn in the battle over the future of the Nature Conservancy Council .
11 The owl is the focal point in a much larger battle over the future of the Pacific Northwest 's ancient forests of spruce and Douglas fir , located mainly on federal lands in Oregon and Washington .
12 The possibilities for current and prospective changes in such policies are creating uncertainties over the future of the rural environment .
13 Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia over the future of the Black Sea Fleet began in Odessa on April 29 , having twice been postponed .
14 Talks have been going on for weeks over the future of the Royal marriage , but despite repeated attempts to save it , the Queen finally decided it was all over on Tuesday afternoon .
15 It was anticipated that the damage to both Clark and Subic Bay bases would dramatically alter the agenda of negotiations between the Philippine and US governments over the future of the bases .
16 The Danish and French referendums on the Maastricht treaty have put a question mark over the future of the European Community .
17 If he does , it could put a big question mark over the future of the controversial 6ft 7in player .
18 Speculation over the future of the European monetary system continues and there are still enough problems to ensure that the system remains basically unstable , at least until mid-year .
19 FEARS over the future of the NorthEast 's oldest rugby club have been allayed .
20 There are fears over the future of the Highland lines , though MacGregor dismissed them .
21 During rowdy scenes and Labour calls for his resignation , Mr Heseltine gave warning that there could be no guarantees over the future of the pits earmarked for closure last October .
22 Doug Michels , now SCO 's official chief technology officer , reportedly had more control over the future of the company than he used to but is likewise more accountable , measured by what he delivers , they say .
23 ‘ Should it have priority over the future of the British Empire , though ?
24 For two years there has been debate over the future of the club 's home ground at McMullen Road , Darlington .
25 There is growing controversy in East Germany over the future of the underground bunker in which Hitler is believed to have committed suicide forty five years ago .
26 Littlewoods could be on the verge of a decision over the future of the mail-order operations but making the business an irresistible buy will take a dramatic burst of salesmanship by the Moores family which owns this Liverpool group , and their merchant bankers at Kleinwort Benson .
27 All pretence at unity went out of the window as close Cabinet colleagues traded insults over the future of the pound and Britain 's place in the EC .
28 The pages of ‘ Rural Wales ’ illustrate increasing concern over the future of the countryside and rural communities of Wales .
29 A general feeling of pessimism over the future of the talks emerged from a meeting in Tunis on Nov. 21-23 between Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) leaders and members of the Palestinian negotiating team .
30 The unprecedented mass deportation by Israel of more than 400 Palestinians to Lebanon in December cast an air of deep pessimism over the future of the faltering Middle East peace talks .
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