Example sentences of "[noun] who have just returned from " in BNC.

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1 By half past ten , Deirdre ( Molloy ) Kavanagh had parted with all her little triangles of tricoloured pastry , taken off her apron , drunk a few glasses of champagne , told several guests that broccoli was out of fashion , and was busily engaged in conversation with a television journalist who had just returned from making a programme for Charles in Iran .
2 Maggie asked Ethel who 'd just returned from the top level .
3 A relief worker from one of the region 's charities who has just returned from Somalia says the appalling suffering of women and children will remain etched on his mind for ever .
4 In 1987 I worked with a chief inspector who had just returned from university having read for a Bramshill scholarship in what he called ‘ black letter law ’ .
5 A doctor who 's just returned from helping victims of the civil war in Somalia has been describing how the surgeon next to him was shot in the operating theatre as they were trying to save a patient 's life .
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