Example sentences of "[noun] as [subord] [pron] 'd [been] " in BNC.

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1 I think she thought I was crying at firs , I think I might have been , but then she started laughing too , with her face all twisted to one side as if she 'd been to the dentist , and she kept gasping and saying , " Ooh , it hurts !
2 As the idle beings they were in a group , the malais were used to last-minute arrangements and alterations , spontaneous changes and improvisation ; so it was n't as big a deal as if he 'd been , say , an Israeli or a German officer .
3 His words might have been ambiguous , but the hackles rose on Rory 's neck as if he 'd been blatantly insulting .
4 Then he 'd jumped to his feet as if he 'd been bitten by a snake , shouting , ‘ You 're a virgin !
5 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
6 Common sense returned quite suddenly , hitting her like some tangible thing , and she jumped , an involuntary reaction as if she 'd been bitten .
7 Well when I was down at the er council that May , I told them there and then that er I 'm prepared to er let one of the council men come to our house , about eight o'clock in the morning , and then stop till ten and then come back again about two and wait till they come home from school which they would n't have come home from school , but they go across the road and come back again , double back as if they 'd been to school
8 Mala sprang from her sear as if she 'd been electro-jolted .
9 He sprang up at once and made for the door as if he 'd been propositioned by a dirty old man in a public convenience .
10 The feel of his warm flesh under her finger gave her such an odd surge of panic that she retracted her hand as if she 'd been burnt .
11 His hands slid from her breasts as if she 'd been greased .
12 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
13 A second , searing stroke made her gasp for breath , as fire exploded in her backside as if she 'd been hit by a ball of lightning .
14 But Jim , bless him , had taken it with as little fuss as if he 'd been asked to feed the cat for a couple of days .
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