Example sentences of "[noun] can be added [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , where access is available , steel strengthening plates can be added to a beam 's top and bottom surfaces to form flanges .
2 Colour can be added to a photocopied card in two ways : first , by using coloured paper — black ink even on cream or grey ( Figures 3 and 8 ) looks much less harsh than black on white — and second , by adding colour later by hand .
3 To calculate the number of ways this chain can be added to a lattice , the necessary restriction imposed is that the segments must occupy r contiguous sites on the lattice because of the connectivity .
4 The second layer can be added as a separate , usually movable , pane inside your existing window ( known as secondary glazing ) , or can be provided by fitting a twin-wall sealed glazing unit in place of the usual single pane .
5 Independent test laboratory LANQuest has found that support for a new protocol can be added to a 100-node Boundary Router network in under 10% the time taken on a network routed by standard means , says 3Com .
6 A joint life charge will calculated as the sum of the individual charges , we looked at that earlier , the maximum age at which waiver of premium can be added to a new policy is fifty five , next birthday .
7 Further venues/details can be added at a future date .
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