Example sentences of "[noun] if [pron] happens to be " in BNC.

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1 You wo n't get a cup of tea , although you might be OK for a Garibaldi if there happens to be one lying around , but you 'll quickly be strapped into the beige and orange sofa , and invited to ‘ Convince us why we should vote for your lot .
2 The mother who ‘ ca n't be so cruel ’ as to wake her sleeping baby if he happens to be asleep at the appointed feeding-time , fails to realize that a few such wakings would be all she would have to resort to …
3 Now I 'd like to thing that an equal amount of effort can work more in our favour if it happens to be channelled towards a specific competition . ’
4 This will not always satisfy governors , parents , the LEA — or the church or religious order if it happens to be a voluntary-aided school .
5 In making an apology one accepts blame for what has happened , but at the same time one tries to convince the injured party if there happens to be one , or the world at large if not , that the error is not to be taken as representative of the real self .
6 At the most distant property there are shearers ’ quarters which enable us to have the use of hot showers , and shelter for the barbecue if it happens to be raining .
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