Example sentences of "[noun] are unlikely to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Third parties are unlikely to be able to challenge concessions granted to a taxpayer .
2 The CAB has become quite used to responding to emergencies , so when a bureau is alerted to an impending crisis and the clients are unlikely to be able to visit the bureau , the workers go out to the clients .
3 ‘ Non-German bond yields are unlikely to be able to undercut their DM counterpart , and with plenty of supply on the way , the floor will not come down too quickly . ’
4 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
5 But the main intended beneficiaries of the new law are unlikely to be able to afford the rents at places they now have legal access to .
6 These may take the form of problems which even if proved empirically to influence resource needs do so in such particular , local , and sometimes subtle ways that statistical models are unlikely to be sensitive enough to be helpful .
7 However , these advantages are unlikely to be important if scale economies are only limited in extent , and cost-based pricing is certainly easier to adopt .
8 I believe that there is a very complex social dynamic operating in this ( and other ) areas of education and that therefore simple cause-and-effect hypotheses are unlikely to be adequate .
9 Drugs which affect one single mediator and/or block one single receptor are unlikely to be helpful .
10 Questions which had no real purpose in the first place are unlikely to be easy to analyse at the answer stage since the researcher is seeking for answers to his hypotheses which will show whether they are to be substantiated or not .
11 New types of integrated circuits are unlikely to be patentable for lack of novelty because many are simply more efficient or miniaturized forms of well-known electronic circuits .
12 Millionaires are unlikely to be social or political radicals .
13 The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation .
14 The results of the highly unusual job show that lead or chlorohydrocarbons associated with pesticide are unlikely to be responsible for ‘ flaccid trunk syndrome ’ which is afflicting elephants around Lake Kariba .
15 And if the infrastructure of schools , health centres , roads and irrigation is to be created , governments will often need to borrow ; such investments are long-term and yield no direct cash returns , so private lenders are unlikely to be keen .
16 However , these disadvantages are unlikely to be great in the light of current developments in technology .
17 Critics say that this means that the reforms are unlikely to be effective [ see ED 44 ] .
18 We accepted there the idea that facts can be causes ; the difficulty there that universal facts can not cause universal beliefs does n't matter here , because universal beliefs are unlikely to be basic .
19 And such talents , it should be emphasized , are necessary not just for campaigning , but also for governing ; presidents unable to master television are unlikely to be effective in office .
20 To implement his programme , a president must gain the cooperation or acquiesence of other members of the political élite , but such people are unlikely to be responsive to presidential directives for the relationship between them and the president is not one of simple dependency .
21 Further attempts to relate the incidence of Crohn 's disease to known genetic variation between populations are unlikely to be productive since differences of incidence between ethnic groups are narrowing with time and migration .
22 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
23 Social security payments are unlikely to be adequate compensation for loss of earnings and injuries .
24 If the housing visit is carried out too early , say six months before the transfer date , landlords are unlikely to be able to say with any certainty whether property is likely to be available for rent .
25 In this respect Hoyle shared some of Stenhouse 's view ( if only implicitly ) since his concept of the ‘ creative school ’ and his concept of the ‘ extended professional ’ imply that innovations are unlikely to be effective unless they take account of the need for organisational support within the school , or teacher commitment to professional development .
26 Thus , they contend that losses resulting from the automatic prohibition of mergers above a certain size are unlikely to be substantial , and are more than likely to be offset by the benefits arising from the creation of a climate of greater certainty and competition .
27 Alternatively , the tests can be carried out free on the NHS , and although the NHS clinics and hospitals are unlikely to be able to provide an answer within one month , Mr Goswamy believes that , with proper organisation , a three month programme should be possible on the NHS .
28 On the contrary , the learning process is very time consuming and most volunteers are unlikely to be able to concentrate on acquiring new computer skills which may be only peripheral to the immediate problem of interviewing clients .
29 Such spiny little fossils are unlikely to be confused with other gastropods .
30 Opted-out schools , operating in atomised isolation , in competition with each other and with the rump of the LEA system are unlikely to be capable of collective action in support of whole community needs .
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