Example sentences of "[noun] on both the [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 During 1989 the Luchaire affair , concerning French arms sales to Iran between 1982 and 1986 when such sales were embargoed , threatened to develop into a major political scandal affecting the Defence Ministry and political parties on both the left and right [ see p. 35982 ] .
2 Despite considerable research on both the two-toed and three-toed sloth , the moth 's life cycle was unknown .
3 But there was much evidence of divided counsels on both the Labour and Conservative sides , as has been noted above .
4 There are often conical spinelets on both the dorsal and the ventral interradial plates , however , they may be absent from one or other side or even completely missing .
5 The overconstrained product design process is thus seen as emphasizing the weight of the analysis phase and its direct influence on both the scheming and manufacturing stages ( see Figure I .4 ) .
6 On 24 February 1986 , LAG issued a booklet , Lignite on the Loughshore — the case for community survival , which they circulated among politicians , universities and the media to increase awareness of the issue and to increase pressure on the British Government to hold an inquiry on both the environmental and social impacts of the mining .
7 To determine the fineness of the knotting , count the number of individual knots that occupy a linear inch on both the horizontal and vertical axes of any part of the rug , and then multiply the two numbers together .
8 Few articles can have made such a great and immediate impact on both the theoretical and practical planes .
9 ‘ They are also seeking further lands at a higher level on both the western and northern slopes .
10 Text may also be set centred to the page leaving a ragged edge on both the left and the right .
11 As the chart shows , Mr Gorbachev is — or tries to occupy — dead centre on both the democrat-authoritarian and the regionalist-centraliser lines .
12 It says changes in its latest timetable , due out in May , will mean better connections on both the local and national networks and shorter journey times .
13 It says the changes will result in better connections on both the local and national networks and shorter journey times .
14 The AOI has published guides on both the practical and business sides of being an illustrator , Rights : The Illustrators Guide to professional practice , gives indispensable advice on all aspects of the law that are likely to affect illustrators .
15 Agencies ' reports will thus provide information on both the financial and operational performance of the activities they cover at an earlier stage than is possible in departmental reports .
16 This fish has a deep body , narrowly compressed from side to side , very large eyes , prominent fins on both the upper and lower surfaces of the body , and a manlike tail .
17 To my academic colleagues on both the physical and human sides and the biogeographical middle of the subject I would like to express the hope that my method of expressing salient parameters , in fields as far apart as climatology and social geography , in terms of a common set of units — the Watt and the calorie — has value for the future of our subject .
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