Example sentences of "[noun] for [art] benefit [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 3 Support The right of support and protection for the benefit of the Premises as is now enjoyed from all other parts of the Centre It is suggested that this right strengthens the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment , and the only question is as to whether to extend it to include 'shelter " , but this is probably unnecessary .
2 A director owes a fiduciary duty to the company ; there is nothing which a director can do in his or her capacity as a director which is not required to be done in good faith for the benefit of the company .
3 On the facts of most of them breach of duty could have been established on the conventional ground that the directors had failed to act in good faith for the benefit of the company .
4 Unfortunately , although the case for the benefits of the retrospective conversion of the Library 's General Catalogue was accepted , SOED did not find it possible to fund the project in 1991–92 .
5 Particularly important is the evidence that , where elderly people are sharing with younger relatives , these arrangements often were entered into in the first instance for the benefit of the younger as much as the older generation .
6 Goodey making a change for the benefit of the scheme members paying into a scheme , rather than employers going away in a contribution holiday .
7 The court or the Secretary of State may waive reporting restrictions in individual cases for the benefit of the child .
8 There is a certificate typed on the bottom of the last page of the document of legal charge which had been drafted by the bank 's solicitors for the benefit of the bank .
9 Wilson also announced that a new Hong Kong Technology Centre was being planned as part of the overall strategy to boost the economy , that an International Business Committee would be set up as a means of tapping the talents of overseas businesspeople for the benefit of the whole community , and that £1,600,000 would be spent to bring pollution under control .
10 The children , their father Jim and other members of the first UK medical expedition to Everest , were on Aonach Mor , near Fort William , yesterday where they set up an imitation base camp for the benefit of the press and potential sponsors .
11 ‘ . Resident clergy and dissenting ministers in the county had been asked to preach sermons in their respective parishes and meetings for the benefit of the infirmary .
12 Some later Acts endeavoured to meet this problem by making an allotment to the ‘ Rectors , Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor ’ of the forest parishes , who were as trustees to apply the income for the benefit of the poor .
13 It is not unusual to see management prepare one business plan and profit projections for the benefit of the company 's owners , to be used by them in determining the price at which they will be prepared to sell ; and another more optimistic plan and projections for themselves .
14 In ‘ A View from the Bridge ’ , it was Alfieri 's job to provide the ‘ chorus ’ ; he explained and commented on developments in the play for the benefit of the audience .
15 Of contracts for the benefit of the infant , so far as they do not coincide with contracts for necessaries , a contract for the employment of the infant , where his position in life makes employment desirable for him , is a typical case .
16 Quinn eased the armchair away from the wall , grunted a few times for the benefit of the wall microphone , switched off the tape-recorder , rolled on to the bed and genuinely went to sleep .
17 Oh , one houseywife had no knickers , but had improvised her skirt between her legs for the benefit of the television cameras .
18 The Association is pleased to continue this work to maintain these close ties for the benefit of the Royal Air Force ‘ family ’ .
19 He had done this by various means : avoiding direct taxation as much as he could ; resorting to prerogative levies ; borrowing as heavily as he dared ; and finally relying upon the pope to tax the clergy for the benefit of the crown .
20 Papal actions , too , appeared to add further proof : after 1337 , except in 1362 and 1375 , popes no longer taxed the clergy for the benefit of the king in England , though at that time they were certainly enriching the French monarch by clerical taxes ; and while successive French kings readily obtained papal dispensations which enabled them to contract politically advantageous matches , Edward on two critical occasions — in the 1340s and 1360s — was denied such benefits .
21 These savings , he said , would be retained by schools for the benefit of the education service .
22 I think we 've go I think we 've got to get through to the members actually that together as a , we 're gon na be a cohesive force for the benefit of the members .
23 Evan waves his set lists for the benefit of the PMRC
24 One would think that , after all that time , a movement that really desired increased pensions and had failed , would have changed its tactics … the stronger a movement becomes ‘ institutionally ’ the weaker it becomes as an instrument for the benefit of the people .
25 In all three cases the changes in the host , if we accept that they are Darwinian adaptations for the benefit of the parasite , must be seen as extended phenotypic effects of parasite genes .
26 ‘ Here this son brought undue pressures on his parents for the benefit of the plaintiffs , and for himself of course , because he wanted the loan .
27 As there is never enough money to do all the BDA wants to do the Association was fortunate during the years 1982–1988 to be able to take advantage of the Manpower Services Commission 's scheme of placing unemployed people in short-term work for the benefit of the community .
28 So come on , leave Geoff to do his good work for the benefit of the community .
29 So that a little bit of simple planning is a way round inheritance for the benefit of the children and it 's usually the children that people in the end want to benefit .
30 An induction loop has been installed in the Great Hall for the benefit of the hearing-impaired .
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