Example sentences of "[noun] was consider [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The stone free date corresponds to the first time the gall bladder was considered to be free of fragments and sludge .
2 About 15 years ago , three months was considered to be sufficient time for a sales director with two years ' service to convince his company of his competence .
3 Given the changes over the previous decade , a further review of the size and distribution of the Leicestershire residential care sector was considered to be essential both to set an information baseline before the implementation of the National Health Service and Community Care Act and to document changes in the demography and levels of dependency of the residential care population .
4 Renal failure was considered to be present when plasma creatinine increased above 132 µmol/l .
5 The analysis required that any relative with Crohn 's disease in the ulcerative colitis group was considered to be normal and vice versa in the Crohn 's disease group .
6 Net fluid transport was considered to be equal to changes in the intestinal weight , which was continuously monitored by connecting the force transducer to a Grass polygraph .
7 On the grounds of epidemiologic studies , based on specific serum antibodies , H pylori was considered to be uncommon in childhood and to increase progressively with age .
8 The cost of using a library was considered to be significant by all .
9 Later this choice was considered to be pagan by the Church because of the festivities traditionally associated with it .
10 Bevin and Dalton felt that Franco 's invasion of Spain with his fascist forces justified rearmament , while Cripps and the Socialist League continued to support the ‘ united front ’ campaign since the National government was considered to be untrustworthy .
11 This exclusion clause was considered to be unreasonable on the basis of the following factors .
12 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
13 Despite extensive flight testing and development , the project was considered to be uneconomical and was shelved in 1975 .
14 As long as matter was considered to be inert , its motion could be ascribed to the divine will .
15 Laser treatment was considered to be successful if symptoms caused by intraluminal tumour were reduced to an extent that enabled the patient to lead a lifestule appropriate to his or her age and general condition without constant concern for bowel function .
16 Back in the 1960s , and still to some extent in 1973 when the NI began , India was considered to be ripe for ruin .
17 Keeping information up to date was considered to be difficult due to the increasing number of information sources , and the fact that only certain sections of documents might be superseded by new information .
18 A hiatal hernia was considered to be present if during endoscopy gastric folds were seen extending at least 2 cm above the diaphragmatic hiatus during quiet respirations .
19 A wave was considered to be peristaltic if the interval between the onset of two pressure waves , recorded at adjacent points 5 cm apart , was more than 0.5 seconds ( corresponding to a progression velocity of less than 10 cm/s ) .
20 The driving was considered to be unobstructed if there was no other vehicle immediately ahead in the film .
21 The bid failed because the estate 's value was considered to be less than the ‘ knockdown price ’ of £10 million at which the Prince had persuaded Mr Kluge to offer it to the nation , with some assessments valuing the estate at between £2 and £7 million .
22 And from then on , er there was never a hitch at all , my mother was considered to be one of the best butter maker i in the vicinity .
23 One party was considered to be sufficient in the Soviet Union because the country officially had one ideology and one goal — communism .
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