Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] around the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the resultant industry was concentrated around the new town of Middlesbrough , but in 1864 the Middleston Iron Company was founded .
2 Opinion was mobilised around the paradoxical notion that it was Black people who represented a threat to the rule of law in Britain .
3 Ben Hur 's chariot race was re-enacted around the Roman Wall , too neatly preserved in Wallsend Park .
4 A red silk scarf was tied around the bloated neck .
5 Given Brainerd 's background in the publishing industry , mainly newspapers , and the fact that he had just left Atex it is hardly surprising that the program was designed around the traditional ‘ cut and paste ’ working methods .
6 As Stephen Leacock and I walked down the street after that luncheon we found that a small crowd of students was gathered around the white statue .
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