Example sentences of "[noun] in dealing with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The SIB is concerned that the failures reveal a more general lack of market awareness and scepticism in dealing with information about transactions and in monitoring returns .
2 In this way they are seen by others as having authority and they gain a new measure of confidence in dealing with matters on your behalf .
3 It was her patina of sophistication , the shell that encased her inexperience in dealing with men of Rune Christensen 's calibre .
4 Feminists encounter similar problems in dealing with differences between subjects .
5 IF JAPANESE companies no longer depend on banks for their finance , and if banks will soon no longer provide such a generous service in dealing with bankruptcy by socialising credit risks , might Japan soon have the symptoms of America and Britain : hostile takeovers and arms-length corporate governance ?
6 Not only has the Government failed to appreciate the importance of the fare mechanisms and allocated systems such as BR 's Business Systems division in dealing with complexities of out-and-back fares on journeys where a multiplicity of different routings are available .
7 This , in turn , might account for our difficulty in dealing with objects through academic studies dominated by language .
8 Although it is claimed that these cases indicate an impairment in executing symbolic gestures it may in fact be the case that this aspect of their difficulty is secondary to a deficit in dealing with sequences of movements in general , the apparent linguistic defect deriving from this ( Kimura , Battison and Lubert , 1976 ) .
9 Others have been suggested : to prevent the conduct of government business being unduly hampered and delayed by ‘ excessive ’ litigation ; to reduce the risk that civil servants will behave in over-cautious and unhelpful ways in dealing with citizens for fear of being sued if things go wrong ; to ration scarce judicial resources ; to ensure that the argument on the merits is presented in the best possible way , by a person with a real interest in presenting it ( but quality of presentation and personal interest do not always go together ) ; to ensure that people do not meddle paternalistically in the affairs of others ( query : can representative applicants be accused of this ? ) ; to ensure that the applicant has a personal interest not just an ideological concern in the outcome ( but , query , may not a genuine concern for the interests of others be neither purely personal nor purely ideological ? ) .
10 Amongst other things , this type of study can contribute to problems in English etymology , for example in dealing with pairs of the type : pack/peck .
11 The first concerned unlawfully obtained evidence and had the object of strengthening the deterrent effect of the Bill in dealing with problems of the misuse of police power .
12 Furthermore , many police forces now receive specialist training in dealing with victims of sexual assault , often provided by members of Rape Crisis Lines .
13 A particular problem in dealing with regions in turmoil is the difficulty of making even short-term predictions .
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