Example sentences of "[noun] in terms [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Part of this ex post forecasting could distinguish the various phases of post-1954 business cycles with respect to their particular characteristics in terms of changes in the sectoral/industrial composition of the UK economy and with respect to the specific features of the different industries ' behaviour in terms of stock movements , capacity utilisation , scrapping of old equipment , new investments , etc .
2 1990 was a year of substantial achievement for the Association in terms of development of welfare facilities and in fund-raising .
3 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
4 Wrangham explains the higher success of older animals in terms of cost per effort decreasing with age .
5 The state enterprises in both countries have had a considerable economic weight in terms of contribution to GNP , employment and investment .
6 ‘ As for value for money , it was n't per se my main concern but reorienting it from an activity-based approach of what the cost of something was to VFM in terms of delivery to the patient — evaluating what we were doing well in the sense you or I as doctor-patient would expect , the outcomes of value to the patient , establishing how much it costs to deliver ( something we could n't do but are better at now ) and then asking if it is reasonable value for money or , more interestingly , why it is cheaper in one place than another , benchmarking it . ’
7 The scores also illustrated a recurring problem on this sevens tour — the Scots ' physique puts them at great disadvantage in terms of weight of tackle .
8 Although most teachers would recognize the desirability of appraising their classroom practice in terms of questions like those listed above , the difficulty of applying such a process to one 's own discourse should not be underestimated .
9 Pugh score was less discriminatory than these last three variables in terms of accuracy of adjustment , goodness of fit to the model , receiver operating characteristic curves , and percentage correct prediction .
10 Bekaert concluded that the potential gains in unit costs would be more than offset by losses in terms of lack of focus on customer service needs .
11 Although light industry continued to exceed heavy industry in terms of value of output , the balance between the two shifted significantly .
12 We have shown that a lexical look-up is more effective than n-grams in terms of reduction of candidate strings .
13 Experimental results showed that a lexical look-up is more effective than n-grams in terms of reduction of candidate strings .
14 Above , I defined modernism in terms of disruption of the values of order , repose , stability , authority , and consonance associated with a national ( or urban ) bourgeoisie .
15 We are continuing to experience a significant er pressure from schools in terms of requests for form assessment and statementing of children with special educational needs .
16 If males compete for access to the females , selection will develop any character that encourages successful breeding — even if this character is of no benefit in terms of adaptation to the environment .
17 It concentrates particularly upon benefit in terms of deferment of long-term or short-term institutionalisation ( Was the project successful in sustaining at home people who without the enhanced care would have been in institutional care earlier ? ) .
18 Salinas visited Portugal , the United Kingdom , West Germany and Belgium in late January 1990 when he expressed the concern that the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe should not disadvantage Latin American countries in terms of aid from West European countries and from the European Communities .
19 Mr MacAskill argued that Scotland was already losing out to the south of England in terms of investment with £65 million spent over three years north of the Border compared with £1.2 billion allocated by the Government to fund the Jubilee Underground line in London .
20 Might it not be possible to interpret all references to ontological existents along Platonist lines in terms of references to species of one kind or another , and the characteristics of species ; thereby providing a proof that the basic ontological existents are , in fact , species , and that the " problem of individuality " , in the final analysis , reduces to the problem of species ( or quite generally : qualitative ) identity ?
21 Civil aviation , along with monetary and tariff policies , control over Middle East oil , and the continuation of Britain 's rubber trade , was a subject of considerable Anglo-American rivalry in terms of protectionism versus competition that was not resolved until the postwar period .
22 The emotional warmth of this novel never exceeds the space allotted to it in a strongly active story but it does benefit by one physical fact of great importance to any sea-story — the constriction in terms of space on a ship , intensified in time of war , the effect of protocol and strict discipline and a lack of privacy on normal human feelings .
23 improve plant flexibility in terms of range of throughputs or types of material that can be handled ;
24 Stable work forces have their advantages in terms of familiarity with the enterprise and its peculiar needs but they do result in problems if the market for the products is erratic or otherwise unpredictable .
25 These figures suggest that there was also some degree of undervaluation of exports and imports in terms of dinars in previous years , although the amount may well have varied with the rate of depreciation of the dinar .
26 One alternative explanation was put forward in terms of attention focusing which might explain both effects in terms of feelings of risk .
27 Le Corbusier 's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health , and by inference cleanliness .
28 The first stage of visual computation , according to Marr , results in descriptions of the scene in terms of features like shading-edge , extended-edge , line , and blob ( which vary as to fuzziness , contrast , lightness , position , orientation , size , and termination points ) .
29 Instead of taking an all or nothing approach based on causation , look at the question in terms of measure of damages and award a percentage .
30 Women had all the constraints of family life to cope with ; children at school , shopping and housekeeping , but no sympathy was expressed by male members of the group as to the comparative hardness of the women 's lives in terms of demands on them , such as few hours of sleep .
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