Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] be said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Craig Lambrecht , a 16-year-old schoolboy , was badly wounded but his condition in hospital was said to be stable .
2 On the same day it was the opinion of every poll that Roy Jenkins had no chance at Hillhead and a slight fall in unemployment was said to be the herald of economic recovery .
3 The stones at the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall are said to be musicians who accelerated their pace until they became petrified with exhaustion .
4 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
5 He said that all the important things in life are said in Latin .
6 But in what sense can the conditions in prisons be said to be unjust ?
7 The differences in organisation are said to be due to innate ability , and the kind of experience received .
8 ( In Chan Man-sin the thing in action was said to be the benefit of the contract with the bank . )
9 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
10 Dissatisfaction with facilities offered to the ARC fleet in Barbados is said to be one of the chief reasons why the destination has changed , although a hint of rancour appeared to cloud references to the former destination .
11 His interest in witchcraft was said to be more than scholarly .
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