Example sentences of "[noun] and all [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All over the continent and all over the States and that .
2 On the other hand , I 'd be vibrated off the couch and all over the cabin .
3 Well those ramblers and all over the place , mm .
4 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
5 The also the big rotary blades on 'em are throwing all the grass over the pavement and all over the road and eventually finishes up all down the drains .
6 They changed that , so the money er it 's a bit different than the Maxwell , the money has n't been erm a switched over to the Cayman Islands and all over the place , it 's it 's stayed in , in the but of course we 're told by the trustees and by our legal advice that nothing illegal 's taken place , the money 's been used to st er finance early voluntary retirement etcetera , etcetera .
7 Simple tactics will catch most fish and all around the lake it will be possible to locate the shoals with five metre pole tackle , but with open-ended swimfeeder tackle on the bank as an optional method .
8 NHS trust hospitals in my health authority area are sending people to Toronto , Paris and all over the world to learn how to do catering and cleaning .
9 I have met people from Africa , Europe and all over the world .
10 Once upon a time teams from Britain and all over the world were seen under the lights .
11 Yeah , swinging around us , literally big panes of glass and they were flying down and as soon as they got away from the houses , it opened up again , they were crashing down all over my drive and all over the road out there
12 War criminals now living in Canada , America , New Zealand and all over the world .
13 A matter with which I believe everyone , the studio audience here , the millions watching tonight in this country and all over the world , should be fully aware .
14 Once he had eaten and smeared two or three cakes round his face and all over the chair , he wanted to see round the place .
15 Farmers gather from all over the region and all over the country for the auctioning of livestock .
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