Example sentences of "[noun] and sit [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When he had gone , Jessamy wandered into the small bedroom and sat down on the bed , because her legs felt as if they just would n't hold her up any longer .
2 ‘ We should get six top international players and a number of international referees and sit down with the law-makers so that all points of view are aired . ’
3 The dark-haired vibrancer moved back to the couch and sat down on the floor again .
4 He 'd expected it and just shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the stool .
5 Elisabeth was hot ; she took off her raincoat , set down the knapsack containing her lunch and some books and sat down on the bench opposite a thicket of hazel , through which a path had been cut .
6 Lee loosened his grip and sat back on the floor .
7 She tiptoed across the aisle and sat down beside the motionless figure .
8 Oliver sighed deeply , stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch .
9 Meredith closed the window and sat down on the edge of the bed .
10 Moving very , very slowly , she wrapped her arms around her waist and sat down on the bench .
11 He glanced at Tock then climbed slowly up the steps to the basket and sat down on the little seat provided .
12 Mama wrapped the baby in a big blue flannel blanket and sat down in the kitchen armchair to nurse .
13 Donna hurried through into the kitchen and sat down at the wooden table , pulling the envelopes from her handbag .
14 She followed him into the kitchen and sat down in the chair offered to her .
15 She stubbed out her cigarette with an air of decision and sat down on the bed , leaning back against the plumped pillows .
16 Athelstan silently prayed for patience and sat down on the stool opposite Sir John .
17 Cinzia brought them both large measures of whisky and sat down astride the wicker chair in front of the writing desk , facing him over the ridged wooden back .
18 Therefore to make sure of this important condition he took off his trousers and sat down on the seed-bed , thus testing the warmth of Mother Earth through the most sensitive part of his anatomy .
19 We went into my room and sat down on the floor together , and dried each other 's tears ; then I began to laugh a bit , ruefully , because I suddenly imagined how we must look , a hulking great coloured man and a girl sitting snivelling in front of a gas-fire mopping up the tears with dozens of paper hankies .
20 She escaped to her own room and sat down on the bed , huddling in her damp raincoat and picking at the stitches of the band on her arm .
21 She followed him into the other room and sat down on the sofa to pour out while Penry put a match to the kindling in the stove .
22 . Daryl was utterly taken about , what in the wide world did Sally mean , she watched the girl go out of the room and sat down on the form completely bewildered .
23 He tossed the empty packet onto the overflowing bin in the corner of the room and sat down at the table .
24 Taking a deep breath , he walked slowly across the room and sat down in the easy chair directly facing his mother .
25 Midway through Friday afternoon , the early-shift newsreader watched the red transmission light die on her last bulletin of the day and sat back from the microphone with a sigh of relief .
26 He hopped out of the water and sat down on the bank next to Anabelle .
27 We walked out on to the large veranda and sat down with the lagoon spread out below and in front of us .
28 He then marched up the hall , climbed on to the dais and sat down at the head of the table there , snapping his fingers for Athelstan to join him .
29 Ruth fixed herself a cold drink and sat out on the balcony of the apartment to drink it .
30 He took a sip of his own drink and sat down in the leather chair closest to the fireplace , looking into the authentic fake gas flames as he sipped his drink .
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