Example sentences of "[noun] of a [noun sg] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to Kuhn , an analysis of the characteristics of a crisis period in science demands the competence of the psychologist as much as that of an historian .
2 Sanctions , including a ban on air traffic and arms sales and the reduction in Libyan diplomatic representation , went into effect at dawn yesterday with the expiry of a grace period for Col Gaddafi to hand over the two suspected bombers of a Pan Am jumbo jet which exploded over Lockerbie , Scotland , in December 1988 .
3 The Commission proposes that 1993 be the start of a transition period of indefinite duration , during which quotas will be lifted while imports are tightly monitored .
4 Having achieved a degree of fertility , the calves will then be born at a time of reduction in nutritional inputs , and also at the outset of a housing period with all its attendant disease factors .
5 The fixing of a tariff period for life prisoners is likewise of great importance to the individuals affected .
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