Example sentences of "[noun] of god [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
2 No wonder its coming puts the fear of God into the Philistines !
3 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
4 The most effective put-down of North during his testimony came from Senator George Mitchell of Maine , stung by the colonel 's constant juxtaposition of God with the contras .
5 The no-boundary proposal has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe .
6 The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe .
7 But there can be no doubt from a candid examination of the New Testament accounts that the prime purpose of the coming of the Spirit of God upon the disciples was to equip them for mission .
8 It is in you my brethren , that I behold Narayan , for Narayan signifies ‘ God in man' ’ , and I am happy to go on pilgrimage from village to village in order to win every day the vision of God in the faces of my brothers . ’
9 Her vision of God in the depths of the self is reminiscent of the basic insights of Buddhists , Hindus and Sufis .
10 They should abandon their insistence on the worship of the mythical creator of the universe , and seek their understanding of God within the confines of human knowledge .
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