Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] kind of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The great merit of the UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali 's Agenda for Peace report to the Security Council summit last year is its tough-minded and realistic assessment of the kind of reforms so urgently required .
2 In general this appears to be a function of the kind of sectors in which they are working , or of the kinds of occupations which they have .
3 Even so , he was called upon to sign documents on occasions , as when a conveyance relating to the chapel and its land was prepared in 1805 and his name as witness ( 'John Titford , Cardmaker' ) appears alongside those of John Lacey , shoemaker , Richard Butler , weaver , and James Browning , clothier ; together they form a nice little thumb-nail sketch of the kind of men who were ‘ Chapel ’ rather than ‘ Church ’ at this period .
4 ‘ We must beware lest unscrupulous people exploit these areas of misunderstanding and divert our attention from the really important task , which is our common defence of the kind of freedoms we hold so dear : the freedoms for which this noble university so proudly stands and for which so many of its sons gave their lives in foreign fields . ’
5 We have considered various analyses of the kind of criteria that enable individuals or groups to judge whether one theory is better than a rival , or whether or not a particular body of knowledge is scientific .
6 Erm it 's for it 's it 's in order that , that in the nineties we have a historical record , I think I 'm I think I 'm saying this right , there is a historical record of the kind of words that are being introduced into the into our language into our vocabulary like for example i.e.
7 If that 's a sample of the kind of terms you 're offering , I 'm sure we can come to an agreement . ’
8 There followed suggestions of the kind of dresses he would like for the women , and much more specific suggestions about what the men should wear , especially two who would have no dancing and were ‘ old tatty props who stand around holding up girls and sometimes us .
9 In a later elaboration of his perspective , Anderson argues more generally that kin relations must always be understood in terms of the kind of calculations people make , and this should provide the starting-point for any analysis : ‘ if we are to understand variations and patterns of kinship relationships , the only worthwhile approach is to consciously and explicitly investigate the manifold advantages and disadvantages that any actor can obtain from maintaining one relational pattern rather than another ’ ( Anderson , 1972 , p. 226 ) .
10 The oriental forests also contain small creatures that perhaps give us a glimpse of the kind of animals that , 70 million years ago , led to the evolution of the first placental mammals and so to humans .
11 Drama school productions are staged with an awareness of the kind of demands the profession will make , and students are naturally anxious to be seen in the final production by people who 're likely to offer them work .
12 These are examples of the kind of questions which firms have to face .
13 Exactly how it happened we still do not known for sure but you can find examples of the kind of organisms it produced in almost any patch of fresh water .
14 Here are some examples of the kind of objectives you might set yourself .
15 The last stanza of ‘ Exequy ’ is a summing-up of the kind of rituals described by Frazer in Adonis Attis Osiris where in the declining year the representative of the year-spirit was put to death , often by burning .
16 A basic attitude of empathy ( a ) to appreciate the power and attractiveness of religion and be able to get on the wavelength of religious people ; ( b ) to be aware in a meaningful way of the kind of experiences and arguments upon which religious people base their convictions ; ( c ) to learn fluency in the language of affirmation , both of others as people and of what is meaningful and important to them .
17 So this all suggests to me that the establishment of fierce criteria could make this a very rare exception is the key and erm I think we 've had it in the course of the discussion , it 'll now be on the record , erm an exploration of the kind of criteria those could be .
18 So what did they think of Hollywood 's treatment of the kind of scenes they know so well ?
19 It is the characteristic of the kind of Governments that have just been turned over beyond the line , in Europe .
20 Hughie Gallacher 's career was a microcosm of the kind of scandals that would decorate Scottish football over the next 50 years .
21 Maybe because of its bourgeois roots , maybe because of the class position of the kind of women working in it ?
22 Yeah it 's for some er it 's for somebody to get a general idea of the kind of things that happen in lectures .
23 Also a writer , dancer , and an aspiring actress , Zoe has a firm idea of the kind of films she would like to act in .
24 Please note that , whilst the above are not actual statements made by a serious accident victim , they have been selected because we believe they give a fair representation of the kind of problems which may occur after an accident .
25 It would appear from paragraph ( a ) that a seller who has a monopoly over the supply of the kind of goods in question is unlikely to convince the court of the reasonableness of a wide exemption clause , especially if it was a large demand for the product which enabled him to insist on the clause being in the contract .
26 So I do n't think anyone here as an elected member , needs to defend their positions if they wish to move from a political or a bureaucratic policy to something which is more pluralist and much more representative of the kind of policies that this council should be discussing not only now but also in the future .
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