Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] power in the " in BNC.

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1 Commentators noted that the collapse of communist power in the Soviet Union , following the August coup attempt there [ see pp. 38368-73 ] , had hastened the two countries ' moves towards normalization .
2 Food may not have become a weapon , but the failure of Soviet agriculture to meet its peoples ' demands was a wound that contributed to the collapse of Soviet power in the second half of the 1980s .
3 The net result is the concentration of effective power in the hands of the government .
4 In the same vein , the Bullock Committee in 1977 noted that the ‘ last 20 years have seen the growth of the giant industrial enterprise and the concentration of economic power in the hands of fewer and fewer such companies .
5 Many elite writers such as Burnham and Weblen have taken up the issue of technological advance and argued that the increasing division of labour and sophistication of the practical instruments of government are associated not with greater participation by the newly enfranchised masses but with concentration of political power in the hands of those who control the technological resources .
6 such an ability to engage in a comprehensive review of policy options presupposes a greater concentration of political power in the hands of a single policy-maker or group of policy-makers than can be found within the American political system .
7 For the first 10 years of its existence , AEA drove forward all aspects of nuclear power in the UK , including the development of weapons and the exploitation of radioisotopes .
8 The humiliation of Tsarist power in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904–05 , led him to substitute the Kaiser for the Tsar as the main threat to democratic and socialist progress in Europe .
9 Divine judgement on a sinning nation was foreshadowed in the growing conviction that the corruptions of unrestrained power in the plantation colonies were beginning to stain the social and political fabric in Britain .
10 This brought together a number of the main themes of the New Deal its interest in social and economic planning and in scientific farming and conservation , its campaign for the provision of electrical power in the rural areas , and its concern with the revival of depressed communities .
11 These freedoms are clearly of importance in the face of the public power of the state , but they give small comfort to those who would like to see the position of individuals strengthened in relation to the exercise of private power in the economy .
12 The problem of the survival of the Aviti is a useful reminder of how little we know about the political structure of even our best evidenced sixth-century diocese ; but from the evidence which we do have it is clear that the exercise of episcopal power in the Auvergne was no simple matter .
13 Nagorny Karabakh , which has a predominantly Armenian population , became part of Azerbaijan in 1923 after the consolidation of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus region .
14 Labour may not have been able to maintain control of the municipal sphere for a prolonged period , but it had built a strong tradition of formal political activity which was to form the basis of hegemonic power in the interwar years .
15 The distribution of political power in the UK is broadly centrepetal .
16 It is true that oceanic , river , lake , and only rudimentary land transport had been responsible for the extension of Christendom and the transfer of Iberian culture to Latin America and elsewhere , for the establishment of Dutch power in the East , British hegemony in India , French authority in North Africa , and the carving out of the great territories of white settlement .
17 Aelfflaed 's testimony suggests that Aldfrith had not certainly engineered his son 's succession and that Osred 's triumph over Eadwulf was the work of a powerful faction at court devoted to the preservation of royal power in the hands of the descendants of Oswiu .
18 The strategic need for diversity and ultimately for the replacement of fossil fuels has been the driving force for the development of nuclear power in the U.K. In turn — since uranium reserves are finite — the efficient exploitation of nuclear power itself ultimately depends on the fast reactor .
19 The relationship between state groups and civil society was thus fundamentally different from that in Britain , a point brought into focus by Linz 's comment that the ‘ access of the political elites , the military , bureaucrats , Catholics and Opus Dei to positions of economic power in the public sector , and increasingly in the private sector , poses the interesting and difficult question of the extent to which political power can be transformed into economic power rather than the reverse ’ ( 1981 : 392 – 30 ) .
20 There is a large and growing feminist literature in sociology which is much appreciated by women students , including influential and innovative collections stemming from the British Sociological Association 's conferences and study groups on Sexual Divisions ( see , for example , Barker and Allen , 1976a and 1976b ) ; there is the BSA women 's caucus which operates as a forum for women and as a pressure group within the profession ; there is also the work of the BSA Standing Committee on the Equality of the Sexes ; and many of the small number of women in positions of relative power in the profession have been willing to use their influence on behalf of other women .
21 The use of the contractual conception of the company to give legitimacy to the vesting of managerial power in the directors of the company encountered two difficulties .
22 ‘ Derivation ’ sees among the effects of the innate tendency to change irrespective of altered circumstances , a manifestation of creative power in the variety and beauty of the results .
23 International economic regimes are embodiments of structural power in the international system , and their existence allows states to control one area of the international agenda that eluded Realism .
24 In a statement on Feb. 5 the Russian Federation Foreign Ministry had declared that the four republics had agreed that a union treaty must be based on " declarations of state sovereignty and bilateral treaties adopted and concluded by the supreme bodies of legal power in the republics " .
25 Neither of the kings whom Walpole served as Prime Minister was firmly seated at the centre of political power in the way their predecessors had been .
26 None of the four played any part in the 1719 invasion , and the real centre of British power in the Highlands was Inverness , where Major-General Joseph Wightman was in command of some 130 Highlanders , 120 dragoons and about 850 foot soldiers , including four companies of infantry from Holland .
27 The FMLN in turn stated that the presence of the Presidents could be constructive in promoting the democratization process if they recognized the existence of a state of dual power in the country created by popular and democratic opposition to the government and the military .
28 For the first ten years of its existence AEA drove forward all aspect of nuclear power in the UK , and when the Windscale AGR was started up in 1962 it was at the forefront of reactor design .
29 Bringing Aldfrith back was a master-stroke for those who wished to perpetuate the monopoly of royal power in the hands of Oswiu 's family .
30 Thus it was in the period of the Welsh court poets ( the Gogynfeirdd ) , at a time of severe political crisis under the encroachments of English power in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , that the strictest regulation and formalization ( in most people 's opinion , also , the isolation and specialization ) of the rules of poetic composition can be found .
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