Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] together with the " in BNC.

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1 Table IV shows the numbers of cases of cancer together with the age standardised rates in children aged 0–14 years for each diagnostic group in the three study areas during 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
2 Increased possibilities of travel together with the effects of immigration have also made possible a wider knowledge of the world 's religious traditions .
3 We need to know your name , age , address and telephone number , the species caught , weight , tackle used and any further details of capture together with the venue .
4 Some proposals for block contracts ( DoH 1989f ) at first sight do appear to be population based , eg ‘ the DHA might , for example , require a specified number of beds to be available to a DHA 's residents whenever required for a defined area of treatment together with the appropriate facilities for treatment ’ , but this does not indicate who is responsible when these beds are all occupied and more ( emergency ) cases arrive .
5 The importance of further and continuing education is that valuable opportunities can be offered for individual self-appraisal and for the reassessment of potential together with the recognition of previous learning .
6 In this form , the Flexifoil acquires its own optimum angle of attack to the ‘ apparent ’ airflow ( more on this later under ‘ The Flight Envelope ’ ) and achieves speeds far greater than actual wind strengths.This is a resultant of the thrust component derived from a forward centre of pressure together with the efficiency of the developed aerofoil section .
7 The photons which approached the crystal were in a state which was a superposition of that state of polarisation together with the state of polarisation parallel to the optical axis .
8 The five of them eyed each other stiff-faced and stiff-necked , drank a glass of wine together with the earl to seal their new friendship , and parted in complete mutual understanding and distrust .
9 A question to the effect ‘ Have you any other licence for this vehicle or have you ever passed a Ministry of Transport test for this vehicle ? ’ can be put to the defendant and entered in the officer 's statement of evidence together with the negative reply .
10 Thus , each District became accountable to the Board of Education for the observance of the Regulations , for the efficient conduct of instruction together with the organisation of the provision which included approval of tutors and syllabuses .
11 This course is designed to give graduates a sound grasp of the core material of management together with the specific knowledge and skills needed to prepare for a managerial career in the clothing industry .
12 When this happens , meditation on the Passion of Christ is an obvious source of strength together with the constantly held realisation that it provides an opportunity to play the game of faith by which its reality is proved .
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