Example sentences of "[noun] rate [prep] [noun] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The apparent higher crime rate in Notts was almost entirely due to this factor and the Notts police ‘ s greater tendency to record trivial offences .
2 The results showed that protein secreted during the first hour of stimulation was derived from pancreatic stores and that the turnover rate of stores was approximately 37%/h in normal human subjects .
3 Turnover rates for labour are also higher in older age groups especially among those workers over the age of 45 .
4 The metabolic clearance rate of gastrin was also unaffected by the eratication of H pylori .
5 Considering that so many gliders are flown across country on every possible soaring day , the accident rate for gliding is extremely low .
6 In general , the failure rate of franchises is dramatically lower than the equivalents outside — though that sort of statistic is highly affected by definitions .
7 Several studies have shown that gloves are perforated in 12–25% of procedures , although at least one report has suggested that the failure rate of gloves is as high as 52% .
8 In recognizing the relationship between size of firm and the likelihood of failure it is important to point out that , even in recent years , the failure rate in manufacturing was approximately one in every 100 incorporated firms .
9 The average literacy rate in India is about 34 per cent .
10 A further cut in base rates to 6% is now likely to stay on ice till next year .
11 Asian children performed just as well as other children in the six local education authorities but their admission rate to university was almost half of the corresponding figure for school leavers in all the state schools in England .
12 At all ages rates for men are considerably higher than those for women of the same age .
13 Compared with this prediction the actual response rate of 55% was significantly higher ( p=0.03 ) .
14 Today 's report says the suicide rate among students is only slightly higher than young people the same age in the world outside .
15 Work on the former group has shown that in the century between 1341 and 1440 , and more markedly in the last three-quarters of this period , the replacement rate for males was clearly below one , but rose sharply by the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries ( 75 , p.27 ) .
16 The success rate of lawyers was consistently better than that of trades union representatives and of individuals representing themselves over the four years from 1979 to 1982 covered ( DoE , 1984 ) .
17 In fact the success rate at Howard was so high it was once queried and re-checked .
18 The projected future population growth rate for Wales is then broken down for each county .
19 But in practice , the growth rate in earnings is extremely difficult to determine and has to be forecast .
20 Since the long-run real growth rate in GDP in the UK is between 2.5 and 3 per cent , and if we additionally assume that the long-run inflation rate is 5 per cent , then a realistic estimate of the long-run nominal growth rate in earnings is around 8 per cent per annum .
21 Trend data on employment and economic activity rates for women are less reliable , particularly given their low unemployment registration rates .
22 In Michigan prior to the reforms , the conviction rate for rape was also extremely low .
23 The great difficulty was that , although steamers could ascend the Niger and other rivers , the effectiveness of quinine as a prophylactic against malaria had not yet been fully grasped , with the result that the death rate among Europeans was appallingly high .
24 In the 1940s , the weekly interest rate for loans was still 1/8d in the pound or 1d in the shilling : 433 per cent a year .
25 The spot interest rate in June is only 8.75 per cent but the long 's variation margin equals 937.50 , so his net worth has increased by 937.50 .
26 One part of the study is concerned to describe and interpret the way in which policy instruments such as interest rates of taxation were actually used .
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