Example sentences of "[noun] believe [conj] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if it is n't honey , the absence of that taste will cause Pooh to believe that it is n't honey .
2 I join the hon. Member for Weston-super-Mare ( Mr. Wiggin ) in pointing out that the Inland Waterways Association believes that it was not sufficiently consulted on the Bill .
3 Within that framework the committee believes that it is not clear , firstly , whether external auditors are independent of the directors of the companies they audit , secondly , whether external auditors should be accountable to a wide range of stakeholders or only to primary stakeholders , and , thirdly , for what and to whom external auditors are financially liable if they fail in any of their duties .
4 The majority believe that it is up to the Government to kick-start the housing market again .
5 The move followed a Supreme Court ruling by five votes to four on May 23 in the case of Rust v. Sullivan , upholding the constitutionality of a 1988 ban on abortion counselling , even in cases where women asked for information or where their doctors believed that it was medically necessary .
6 The Vicariate 's last head , Mgr Sergio Valech , stated that although the task was not finished , the church believed that it was now the duty of civilian society " to safeguard the basic principles of human rights " .
7 He said that the PLO was pushing hard for a role for Arafat in Monday 's ceremony and that President Clinton believed that it was up to the PLO to choose its delegation .
8 In view of the constructive contribution which the Palestinian delegation , among others , made to the Madrid peace talks , does the Foreign Secretary believe that it is any longer sensible for Ministers to continue to refuse even to talk to the PLO ?
9 Perhaps it oversimplifies the situation to treat these as two quite different uses of such expressions as ‘ I believe that seems , rather , that it is built into the meaning of ‘ I believe that … ’ that it hovers between expressing tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , and expressing belief or awareness that the speaker believes that it is so .
10 Very often the history of an object is not known at all and there may be reason to believe that it is not all that it purports to be .
11 In the other two Neville lordships indirect evidence of this kind is now all that is available and continuity is accordingly harder to prove , although there is no reason to believe that it was any less marked .
12 In the other two Neville lordships indirect evidence of this kind is now all that is available and continuity is accordingly harder to prove , although there is no reason to believe that it was any less marked .
13 A social institution is ‘ legitimate ’ if it is perceived as morally justified ; the problem with the penal system is that this perception is lacking and many people inside and outside the system believe that it is morally indefensible , or at least defective .
14 Thomas believes that it is also vital to work closely with the trade .
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