Example sentences of "[noun] over the next [adj] weeks " in BNC.

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1 THE CUP success of Middlesbrough Football Club has forced the nearby Cleveland Park greyhound stadium to switch its racenights over the next three weeks .
2 Analysts believe that the central bank , which cut interest rates by 1 percentage point last week in an attempt to stem the rise of the escudo , may be prepared to remove its barriers over the next few weeks if rate cuts staunch the flow of hot money into Lisbon .
3 I 'm going to be partnering you at most of the functions you 'll be required to attend in your professional capacity over the next few weeks . ’
4 Thirty volunteers will be travelling to Croatia over the next few weeks , taking three operating theatres from St. Mary 's Hospital , Portsmouth with them .
5 Bond is already facing a series of ‘ crunch ’ days over the next two weeks : 18 October : This is the deadline by which Bond Corp planned to issue the ‘ Part A ’ document for its bid for Bell Resources , the first stage of the proposed A$2.5bn Australian brewing joint venture with Lion Nathan , the New Zealand brewer .
6 THE OIL slick that threatens to cause havoc in the Arabian Gulf over the next few weeks comes from a spill less than one tenth the size of a supertanker 's cargo .
7 Plasma exchange began on Brian 's second day in the unit and he received five treatments over the next two weeks .
8 All Nora could say was that funds in all the banks were exhausted and their known outgoings over the next four weeks exceeded their best estimate of income three-fold .
9 My eventual decision may very well depend upon your behaviour over the next few weeks .
10 Privately British officials believe Mr Patten will now have to endure a barrage of criticism from China over the next few weeks , following Prime Minister Li Peng 's report to the 8th National Party Congress next Monday at which he is expected to lambast the colonial administration for trying to subvert China with western-style democracy .
11 Write down the weather patterns each day over the next few weeks .
12 And with military police on hand to keep out the hordes of autograph hunters that will dog the tourists ' every footstep over the next 10 weeks , there were no interruptions .
13 It means it will be no treatment for 150 routine patients over the next 5 weeks .
14 Duke 's chorea pursued a text book course over the next two weeks .
15 I 've got lots of videos and I 'll be doing a crash course over the next few weeks to assess strengths and weaknesses . ’
16 Their progress over the next two weeks will solve the Guineas mystery , but that is of little concern to connections of Dr Devious , who heads now for the Kentucky Derby ( for which he is 10–1 from 12–1 ) in Louisville on May 2 and returns to Epsom for the Ever Ready Derby in June .
17 Staff will hold a series of meetings over the next few weeks to decide how to respond to the cuts plan .
18 The independent Phoenix Cinema in Oxford is set to play to packed houses over the next few weeks with a film that 's bound to be listed among the greatest successes of British Cinema in recent years .
19 Yeah , I think in the end it was fifty thousand that we did , which is going to go out with all the mailings over the next few weeks .
20 Please register in the Library for training , which will be carried out in small groups over the next few weeks .
21 I agree that as we unfold our positive policies over the next few weeks , and as the electorate sees more and more of what Labour is offering — or not offering — what my hon. Friend has suggested will come about .
22 That means there 'll be no treatment for 150 patients who were expecting to have routine operations over the next 5 weeks starting from Monday .
23 One case which involved the murder of a 3-year-old girl received massive coverage over an eight-day period and then spasmodic coverage over the next seven weeks until a 27-year-old man was arrested and charged with the child 's murder .
24 The breakthrough , dubbed a ‘ quantum leap into the future ’ is opening at other cinemas throughout the US over the next few weeks .
25 The Welsh skipper faces an operation on his hernia tomorrow and will miss Wales 's big international clashes with England and France over the next few weeks .
26 A Russian , the first of nine charter flights due to ferry in nine hundred tonnes of rice over the next two weeks .
27 He said Dr Clarke would be canvassing in Darlington over the next three weeks and the party intended to hold public meetings .
28 The Chinese State Circus is on its first National Tour … and around 18000 people are expected to see the show in Cheltenham over the next two weeks :
29 Staff who would like to use the service should contact Colin Will , who will provide training over the next few weeks .
30 And , barely 24 hours after leaving London , with places to be won in four Tests and eight one-day internationals over the next 12 weeks , no one was prepared to break ranks .
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