Example sentences of "[noun] come [prep] all [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Speakers came from all over the world thanks to new and generous sponsorship from British Airways .
2 On the contrary , I found it fairly positive to announce that complaints were down to one ( now doubled ) ; that in recession 1,266 entries were judged ; that entries came from all over the world ; that the system had changed in direct response to comments made by members .
3 ‘ Now he 's in a side that is going well , with goals coming from all over the team .
4 CARNIVAL organiser Tex Flint said : ‘ Floats come from all over the country to take part in the festivities , but sadly some criminals also come for their own reasons . ’
5 Opera fans come from all over the country to see open-air performances in a unique setting .
6 Entries come from all over the country to take part in the run — from Epsom Downs to Brighton — and there were also several entries from the continent , the US and Australia .
7 Gifts and visitors came from all over the English-speaking world as television stations overseas , alerted by all the publicity , snapped up transmission rights .
8 Contributions came from all over the United Kingdom .
9 showing you the reality ten per cent the rest comes from all over the country .
10 A lot of people came from all over the world here , and that makes it absolutely different from any other country .
11 Erm I mean I I have some concerns , like Cynthia , about the number of careers officers who suddenly appear when you say there 's a visit to , Hull University , and we 've got people coming from all over the county and it 's costing us a fortune .
12 Children , grandchildren , lots of relatives visiting for weeks at a time , always the doorbell ringing , with people coming from all over the world to see the Maggid . ’
13 Because of the specialist nature of the hospital , patients come from all over the country and the CAB spends much of its time chasing up patients ' benefits , contacting DHSS offices all over the country .
14 ‘ Rob 's a fantastic teacher — people come from all over the world to study with him .
15 Every year people come from all over the World to see Kronborg castle at Helsingør because it 's supposed to be the famous Elsinore where Hamlet met his doom . ’
16 If people come from all over the country to try our beers its good for us .
17 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with pop stars coming from all over the world is there ? ’
18 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with pop stars coming from all over the world is there ?
19 The scientists come from all over the E-C , but behind the team spirit , there 's always been anger that in many cases the British are paid only half that of their Continental colleagues .
20 Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance , naked except for a silk cap atop his curls .
21 The meat men come from all over the country and transport the ponies back to their local district to sell them .
22 Children come from all over the world and are observed and assessed for their suitability for Conductive Education .
23 The comics come from all over the world and there were people queueing up to see it when we opened last Saturday . ’
24 The census returns show that when people left London they usually moved only short distances but that migrants into London came from all over the place .
25 Countless examples of the most beautiful tiles come from all around the Mediterranean .
26 Their residential courses held throughout the year for both beginners and advanced students are widely known and popular ; students come from all over the world .
27 Birmingham students come from all over the world — in a typical year , more than 1000 students from 100 countries in addition to the 9000 from the UK .
28 As Phyllis says , it does n't cost a great deal and Oxford has a reputation — students come from all over the world to Oxford .
29 The theory , as eventually set forth ( 1868 ) , was constituted by two theses : that the generative material comes from all over the parent body or bodies , and that it consists of minute ‘ gemmules ’ budded off from every part .
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