Example sentences of "[noun] she [vb past] herself [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even as she silently repeated the words she found herself looking into his sea-deep eyes , wishing she could drown in them .
2 When she regained consciousness she found herself lying on a large settee in a dimly lit room .
3 For a fleeting second she allowed herself to revel in the unaccustomed feeling of having the upper hand over him .
4 But if the Mother of God heard , she must have decided that the cause was not a worthy one , for as Jennifer moved out from behind the dovecot she felt herself seized from behind .
5 Sometimes far into the evening she kept herself locked at the desk , writing , writing .
6 Then before she resumed her snail-slow progress back to bed she steeled herself to look in the mirror above the washbasin .
7 In the end , she catnapped , shaking herself awake every time she felt herself drifting towards a deeper sleep .
8 For the first time she found herself agreeing with Fen .
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