Example sentences of "[noun] at [art] best of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Because I play the game I can not stand referees at the best of times … am I being biased here ?
2 And I ai n't no good at ladders at the best of times .
3 Blatcham station never exuded sweetness and light at the best of times , but the last train from London pulled into an atmosphere of peculiarly depressing gloom and resentment : gloom of the fatigued and silent travellers , and resentment of the station staff , who evidently considered it a gross imposition that they were compelled to keep open the station until 11.20 for a handful of passengers returning from some nocturnal debauch in the metropolis .
4 Listening is a difficult and complex skill at the best of times .
5 The sub-standard systems Earth Central had seen fit to install in the Base made some weird noises at the best of times , but this … .
6 I do not like using the telephone at the best of times and was never very fond of small-talk , that tedious lubricant for rusty little minds .
7 The Somerset Levels is a weird and wonderful place at the best of times , a strange flat landscape with the unnatural looking mound of Glastonbury Tor rising up from nowhere .
8 Do n't forget , she was returning to a village in the north , hardly the most progressive or liberal-minded place at the best of times , and this particular village was especially proud of its moral record .
9 Now , I do n't like treasure voyages at the best of times , and I certainly do n't like them when they are secret .
10 This was brought home to me recently when I went into mine ( a rash and dangerous move at the best of times ) to fetch the hosepipe .
11 He did n't like foreign films at the best of times : you could n't understand what they were saying .
12 Gathering up the relicts is a hard business at the best of times , and Jackie had to know how the task , carried through with Helen 's usual bravery , would have affected her .
13 But reason told her it was a precarious business at the best of times .
14 Running an airline is an expensive business at the best of times , during a recession it can be a way of using up money really quite quickly , now Virgin 's particular problem was that they began this recession with relatively little in the way of capital and reserves , only about thirty six million in nineteen ninety one .
15 Going underground is a tricky business at the best of times .
16 Jumping out of an aircraft is a nervy business at the best of times , so the first jump of a new season can be a jittery time , especially when you 're the elite RAF Falcons .
17 Psycho-history is a derelict enterprise at the best of times , and who can be sure about the mental health of any of the great heroes of the past ?
18 Caliban is only half a person at the best of times .
19 Roses do not like root disturbance at the best of times , and any damage at this stage is another shock that they can well do without .
20 Arranged into convenient sections that deal with equipment , accessories , technique , composition , air-to-air , museum , selling , research etc , it gives a reasonable overview into the art of taking aircraft pictures , a difficult art at the best of times .
21 I do n't like strangers at the best of times and particularly not when I 'm eating .
22 Given the rambling terms of reference , and the clash of opinion between its members as to how they should be interpreted , the Commission would have faced a bumpy ride at the best of times .
23 Equally , in ‘ Soldier Man ’ , the subject of rape , a sensitive area at the best of times , is confronted in a unique way , its dark undertow brought into relief by a dolorous fiddle and cello .
24 And I imagine she 's not a forgiving woman at the best of times .
25 They do n't like Romanies at the best of times .
26 Arthur Jaffe was not a benevolent man at the best of times .
27 He was an emotional man at the best of times and a proud one , and the one often cancelled out the other .
28 Death made little sense at the best of times .
29 Dougal believed that cars were unpredictable creatures at the best of times .
30 ‘ Babies are n't her favourite subject at the best of times .
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