Example sentences of "[noun] they [be] supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 A voice for moderation and good order — like many others — but his head as bare as the rest when the bricks started to fly , his body as vulnerable to sabre cuts as his father 's , his countenance indistinguishable to those young and possibly nervous soldiers from the real " physical force " brigade they were supposed to be looking for , who had raised everybody 's temperatures by ambushing and stoning a military escort at Salterhebble .
2 Derry with two drummers and four fluters and a bass drummer and no it 's the truth supposed to have er cut down the size of the and for triangles they 're supposed to be er cut right to two spoons .
3 Left again , after the brewery ( where they still have the Porter Tun Rooms , a tun being a big barrel not a weight , though not many people know that ) is Whitecross Street and the Barbican entrance , where many tourists go in and some actually find the theatre or gallery they 're supposed to be going to .
4 It would appear from investigations that this government in nineteen eighty four did a deal with the E E C to close down shipyards in future years , for which they received millions of pounds from E E C funds , and they never used them for the purposes they were supposed to be used for .
5 People were tiring of old-style ‘ workerist ’ ultra-left politics and standing at factory gates being laughed at by the very workers they were supposed to be leading to the new Jerusalem .
6 It 's no secret that those guerrilla bands contain a fair proportion of characters who are just as undesirable as the dictatorial governments they 're supposed to be fighting and who would have no hesitation in disposing of those $60,000 missiles , at a fraction of their cost , to any passing terrorists who , in turn , would have no hesitation in loosing off one of those missiles at a passing Boeing 747 , preferably one packed with five hundred American citizens .
7 That they eat much of the crop they are supposed to be harvesting ? ’
8 The final and the greatest problem of the neurophysiological version of the CTP ( or , indeed , any version of the CTP ) , is that it can not explain the intentionality or ‘ aboutness ’ that connects the neural events with the object they are supposed to be perceptions of .
9 Whatever the original guidelines given them , goes the argument , the agents get drawn into doing what is in the best interest of those they are regulating — they are , wittingly or unwittingly , captured by the people they are supposed to be policing ( see , for example , Stigler , 1971 ) .
10 Bodies with an ostensibly overseeing role , like the People 's Control Commissions , were half-hearted in operation and often effectively controlled by the people they were supposed to be investigating .
11 Dawn took her pencil and firmly drew a line down the centre of the sheet of paper they were supposed to be sharing .
12 Two social workers asked for this to be done , because they were so concerned about the policy they were supposed to be implementing .
13 Many doctors were only marginally better informed than the patients they were supposed to be treating .
14 Soon the fog of freedom is so thick that it is difficult to remember just what song they were supposed to be playing in the first place .
15 They do n't know which side of the road they 're supposed to be , all they know is they are bred and trained to chase .
16 We 're on the same side and you know and I know that some of the troops are gon na find that , I , my opinion is that some of the troops will find that hard going for eleven weeks unless they know exactly what the hell they 're supposed to be doing in
17 Somebody comes quick and wants the caravan they 're supposed to be there ready !
18 Indeed , one of Dunleavy 's key themes is the central role of state professionals and bureaucracies defending their own material positions , if necessary at the expense of the public services they are supposed to be providing .
19 Governments were under constant pressure to provide such facilities and , in addition to politicising consumption , they constantly risked running into fiscal crises themselves or charging even higher taxes on the capitalist enterprises they were supposed to be supporting .
20 You 've got to design the measures for the street they 're supposed to be implemented in
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