Example sentences of "[noun] say [pron] 'd [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Maggie said she 'd have a half of shandy , Susan ordered the same .
2 It sounded like an interesting job — the play was a futuristic drama set in the twenty-first century , and the director said she 'd have a chance to really let her imagination run riot on the styles .
3 ‘ Dr Darnell said she 'd lend a key to anyone who wanted to stay out late , ’ said Lee , staggering slightly and leaning on Meryl 's shoulder , to her irritation .
4 He was and because he was getting on in years and er did n't get out as much as usual , my husband said we 'd get a television for him and we had a black and white television
5 just happened to mention in the night says I 'd like a white telly you know , go a bit more with , with the decor
6 The man in charge of road mending says he 'd need a thirty per cent increase in funds to fill the hole in his budget
7 Bob said he 'd have a chairman , yes , to er , pull the whole thing together .
8 Carver said he 'd love a cup and carefully chose a stool to perch on well away from the chairs round the table .
9 John Mackay said he 'd draft a leaflet , and I 've just done one myself , knowing how busy John is , and feeling also a sense of urgency about this , that we need to get ourselves better known .
10 He offered drinks and Morgan said he 'd have a double Scotch .
11 Just stick to your argument that the dealer said you 'd make a certain profit .
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