Example sentences of "[noun] will [adv] give [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Any increase in IRA violence will only give the process added urgency .
2 I was for a short time privileged to share in the joy and vitality and the oneness with Almighty God in his Luo people ( Anne Marie will gladly give a talk and show slides to any interested groups in the North West .
3 After Saturday 's draw at Portsmouth , a result which gives the Boro an excellent chance to reach the quarter finals , he said : ‘ Perhaps the media in the North-East will now give the team the credit they deserve , instead of concentrating on events a little further up the road . ’
4 Parents will often give a guardian the right to occupy the house for a certain length of time , but it is nearly always left in trust for the child .
5 Of course , the author will usually give the community a fictitious name , and also change the names of all key informants , but those who know the community concerned , and certainly all those who live t.n it , will not have much difficulty in identifying who is who .
6 A dry wall will not give a reading ; a wet one will .
7 Results this week from Next and Sears will also give a measure of the retail downturn following the 1,850 job cuts announced by Littlewoods last week .
8 This is not to say that people will not give the support ( as we know they do and invariably at great sacrifice ) ; but it does suggest that care by the community is seen as a less attractive option than care from professionals , but with the support and involvement of the family .
9 A dog will generally give an indication of its intention to bite , by growling and curling its lips first .
10 This method of operation will hopefully give the team overall control .
11 The Keeper of the Temple will only give the Key to those who have proved themselves worthy .
12 An examination of the structure of the mouthparts will therefore give a clue to the feeding mechanism and frequently to the nature of the food of an insect .
13 Fabrics with horizontal patterns will also give the impression of width , and curtains that are draped back will help to break the vertical line that would otherwise be formed by curtains which hang straight down at the sides .
14 Hund 's Rules will usually give the ground term correctly , but they are less reliable for the higher energy states .
15 There is often no reason to expect such patterns and one may expect that longitudinal correlations will usually give a curve such as A ( Fig. 19.5 ) .
16 That answer will be that we , they , th British Coal will not give an increase this year .
17 Clearly this analysis will only give the performance of corresponding practical circuits up to some critical frequency beyond which their response will be influenced by the significant departure of the operational amplifier from ideal behaviour .
18 Mueller wo n't give a damn about the effect of a corporate plan on Europe and on individual countries .
19 Correction of bank to level position , as indicated by the instruments will now give a feeling of bank in the opposite direction .
20 Whether or not they consider it appropriate to enter the European Eco audit systems when it appears , using the new standard will certainly give a company ( and its other clients and audiences ) confidence in the knowledge that they 're tackling environmental concerns in a systematic and integrated way . ’
21 The numbers of bands in the spectra of initial , intermediate and final samples will often give an indication of the numbers and relative positions of CO ligands .
22 If a previously approved module is part of a package which is undergoing approval then provided that the module is specified as ‘ Latest ’ , LIFESPAN will automatically give the module the next highest approved issue number and add the approval caveat ( if one has been supplied ) .
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