Example sentences of "[noun] that used to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Instead it 's a confused product of jobbing hacks and sad people out of their depth — none more so than George ‘ Columbus ’ Corraface , a handsome trier reminiscent of those blokes that used to be out-acted by skeletons in Sinbad films .
2 Though the standard approach to agoraphobia is an overtly behavioural one of graded exposure , many of the aspects of exposure that used to be described as ‘ non-specific ’ , such as arriving at a realistic interpretation of the week 's events , or at accurate expectations for the future , or dealing with reservations about treatment , are now described in cognitive terms .
3 Consider for example the distinctive variety that used to be known as ‘ motherese ’ ( now usually called ‘ caretaker register ’ or ‘ child-directed speech ‘ ) .
4 It 's a poem by a fellow called the Earl of Rochester that used to be recited when someone was elected .
5 ‘ the relationship that used to be called that of master and servant .
6 It sets free nuclear explosives that used to be tucked away in superpower arsenals , and must now be disposed of
7 Assisting with the creation of a viable payments union in the area that used to be described as the Soviet Union would be the single most important contribution that the Twelve could make to that unstable and dangerous part of the world .
8 street in central London ; name derived from a chain that used to be thrown across the roadway to prevent its use during divine service in St Paul 's Cathedral .
9 There was the the cod liver what would for animals , that well , the method that used to be used , put it into the copper boiler .
10 There must be oodles of territory in Saxony and Thuringia that used to be owned by the East German government .
11 Eldorado Close got its name from a kind of needle that used to be made locally .
12 erm And of course there 's a great deal of history which is now being written which is much more exciting than most of the history that used to be written in the past .
13 I know that he has first-hand experience of the benefits of GM schools , as the school that used to be known as Wold Newton transferred to grant-maintained status a few months ago and is showing the way and what can be achieved as a result of a move to grant-maintained status .
14 Mr. Taylor : As many of the laws that used to be made in the House of Commons are now made by the Council of Ministers , and as we can discuss its decisions for only one and a half hours after 10 o'clock at night , does the Lord President agree that this makes nonsense of democracy and deprives the public of the knowledge of what is going on ?
15 In other words , they 're taking a lot of the task that used to be given to manufacturers away from them and so manufacturers today are not by and large so concerned with manufacturing brands which are their own and will sit on retailers ' shelves as with providing a product for a retailer who wants to construct his own brand .
16 The hardest task for his subordinates is to decide what the phrase ( now often shortened to NWO and not to be confused with the airline that used to be called Northwest Orient ) might mean .
17 This was the kind of language that used to be attributed to the sharper end of the second-hand book world .
18 It is a spectacularly successful conjuring trick that capitalism in the West has pulled off : with one hand cutting down on paid labour by encouraging people to regard the jobs that used to be done by other workers as new forms of leisure , whilst with the other hand establishing new ( and more profitable ) economic sectors around voluntary pastoral care , such as care for the elderly .
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