Example sentences of "[noun] it is [adv] better [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to speak meaningfully in terms of membership it is probably better to define it in terms of communicant or active membership .
2 Even if you know that the answer can wait until the next day it is far better to deal with it at once .
3 However , in turbulent and windy conditions it is always better to play safe and land into wind in another field , rather than to make a downwind landing .
4 In a consideration of terraces it is probably better to cover large areas with an accuracy of measurement of approximately + or 1.5–3.0 m ( 5–10 ft ) than to measure a few terrace fragments with great accuracy .
5 Gently — and a little inexpertly — he gave her his first love in return , and that joining of soul to soul and body to body convinced her that in love it is indeed better to give than to receive .
6 Of course it is much better to have further yarn masts , as they come in handy for even normal two-colour knitting , where they can do away with the necessity to remove one yarn and re-thread with waste yarn when you need to remove work on waste .
7 And we realise that while ‘ they ’ may not be blamed , in all Christian , deconstructed , therapised and bubble-bathed reality it is still better to stop them dead .
8 I read a book by the American painter Charles Reid who said that rather than paint a dark background all round a daisy it is sometimes better to put just one dark drop of colour behind the vase of the petal to get the most impact .
9 Experts may offer some guidance but from a plaintiff 's point of view it is far better to frame an action using a subsection of s.92 other than s.92(1) ( c ) or ( d ) if at all possible .
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