Example sentences of "[noun] have come [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
2 Toby had come back for the moment .
3 Nevertheless , Sun has come in for no small amount of criticism in pursuing what is often strictly an ‘ invented here ’ approach to technology solutions , at the expense of making some pragmatic marketing decisions .
4 Pam has come down for a day of shopping , bringing along our adopted younger sister Kath .
5 If the literary establishment had thought to compare notes they would have realized that every male aura on and off Fleet Street had come in for a bashing .
6 JACQUES Delors has come in for a lot of flak for the collapse of the Gatt world trade talks .
7 The smile had come out for the landlord , and disappeared when he had left the room .
8 It also seemed , from the feathers on the kitchen floor , that one of the pigeons had come down for a warm and had got too close .
9 However , the Green Paper has come in for a variety of criticisms and there is little evidence that its recommendations will be acted upon in the short- or medium-term .
10 They toasted Keith and me ( Keith had come up for the day to join in ) and bought us a slow cooker for our new home .
11 Understandably , this presumption has come in for a great deal of criticism .
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