Example sentences of "[noun] have already [vb pp] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Work on these lines has already cleared up many of the mysteries of the Pleistocene and holds more hope of a final elucidation than any other method known .
2 It was more than possible that Zhukov had already taken off more prints for himself .
3 Well actually I live just outside Shilton. erm they keep saying that it 's Shilton airfield , actually it 's not on the airfield at all — as you will know , Mr. Hayworth 's got planning permission for a golf course on the airfield — it 's Scrubs Lane , Shilton , and actually they 've already the Council have already turned down two applications for caravan sites there anyway erm because it 's unsuitable and yet they think that they you know that it 's going to be suitable for gipsies to live down there .
4 Tory Euro-sceptics have already put down hundreds of amendments to the Bill , which could produce a similar confidence vote like last night 's day after day .
5 Most managers have already used up that leeway since share option schemes took off in 1985 .
6 Downing Street sources have already ruled out any relaxation of the public spending limit .
7 Staff have already set up eight extra beds , and other hospitals are preparing to help out .
8 AT&T has already signed up several big American customers , including Motorola , Goodyear and Unisys .
9 The Bank of Japan has already nudged down overnight rates ; if the spring pay round shows wage rises to be moderating , it could then cut the discount rate .
10 He did n't know that Reichmann had already rented out two of the four towers before he had signed the contract .
11 A federal court has ordered that this must be done by June 1st ; voters have already turned down one plan .
12 Before the 1964–70 Labour government made it Department of Education and Science policy , a number of local authorities had already set up comprehensive schools .
13 Unit has already built up valuable experience in engineering by setting up its own production line for the pallets business with in-house expertise .
14 Here the Croydon Aircraft Company has already turned out several ‘ remanufactured ’ DH-82As and has another half dozen Moths , including a Fox Moth , coming along the production line .
15 This season Murphy has already sent out 12 winners while his boss is often left to drive the horse-box and saddle up in the parade ring .
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