Example sentences of "[noun] have been prepared for [art] " in BNC.

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1 His mind had been prepared for an impossible radiance and it had taken time to absorb a new set of signals .
2 These guidelines have been prepared for the information and guidance of staff in centres preparing and offering the National Certificate in Travel , and should be read in conjunction with the module descriptors .
3 The normal formula is ‘ it seemed good to the Council and People ’ , indicating that the decree had been prepared for the Assembly ( ‘ the people ’ ) by the Council , and was then voted on by the Assembly .
4 Well as I understand it the er these lawyers for the defendants took the view that as all the statements had been prepared for the police complaints authority investigation , public immunity er yes er public interest immunity attached to them .
5 Only the lower bunk had been prepared for the night : the upper was still in the ceiling .
6 Three more people have been prepared for the surgery , which involves implanting electrodes into the inner ear .
7 Hundreds of parachutes have been prepared for the major drop over Salisbury Plain tonight and over the next few days .
8 A planning brief has been prepared for the disposal of land at Town Farm , Sadberge , which the Darlington council bought and cleared of farm buildings in 1974 .
9 The company has not traded during the above financial year , and accordingly no profit and loss account has been prepared for the year .
10 Police said a report had been prepared for the procurator-fiscal and a man is expected to appear at Dumfries Sheriff Court on Monday .
11 History is the arena in which , first through the period of the Old Testament , then by the teaching of Jesus in the New , the way has been prepared for the gradual purifying and refining of man 's religious sense which will lead to a third , future era , in which religious values will be seen to shine in their own light as ‘ necessary truths of reason ’ .
12 PREPED Approval listings have been prepared for the package which has been requested for approval .
13 Forms have been prepared for the assessment process , and amendments to the Client Index to support needs assessment are about to be commissioned .
14 Obviously , the pitch had been prepared for the spinners , but since West Indies had prepared many of their own pitches for their speed merchants they could hardly complain .
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