Example sentences of "[noun] have been [vb pp] by several " in BNC.

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1 A possible Christian presence has been suggested by several fourth century burials in the Northover cemetery , because of their east-west orientation and similarities with Poundbury , but this evidence is insufficiently conclusive .
2 Ritual has been regarded by several anthropologists as a social event in which pent-up emotions can find some form of release .
3 The effect of pure ethanol on gastric acid secretion has been investigated by several workers .
4 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
5 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
6 Nevertheless , enough weight had been given by several sources to make it worthwhile checking .
7 According to the Link 's busy manager Ken Lee , the Woodland Road offices have been contacted by several other business ventures around the which are interested in emulating Darlington 's success .
8 Coronary vasoconstriction has been suggested by several case-reports but full cardiac investigations have seldom been carried out .
9 When she reached there she found that Ann and Ruth had been joined by several other girls , including Sarah , and were just about to start their game .
10 Prenatal diagnosis , however , has been performed on the fetus of the aunt of one boy , and genetic counselling has been requested by several other members of the extended families .
11 The significance of the new appointments and structures has been emphasised by several commentators , especially those with a general management perspective .
12 Clearly , this is a programme which could command considerable support , but its development has been impeded by several problems .
13 The aim was to launch these after Easter , stressing their potential usefulness for Advent 1993 , and it was noted that a specific demand for Advent Studies had been expressed by several groups .
14 Attempts to resolve the relationship between information needs and information-seeking behaviour have been made by several authors .
15 This flexible approach to arranging help for childcare has been adopted by several companies .
16 The subject of intergroup competition has been studied by several researchers , and in general the following conclusions have been reached :
17 The life of a Home Secretary has been depicted by several former holders of the office as being unduly susceptible to interruption by sudden and totally unexpected incidents which require all his attention :
18 Mrs Titcombe 's nagging suspicions had been aroused by several points .
19 Would there have to be one designer , or could not the world have been designed by several working together ?
20 Molecular alterations correlating with the phenotype of these mutants have been sought by several laboratories .
21 It thus cut across existing interests in the region , notably those of the Stanley family , whose landed interests in the north west had been augmented by several key duchy offices .
22 It thus cut across existing interests in the region , notably those of the Stanley family , whose landed interests in the north west had been augmented by several key duchy offices .
23 The introduction of some pretty slick software has been paralleled by several new hardware devices ; film recorders , LCD display tablets and colour printers being the most important , at prices significantly less than before .
24 Recently this problem has been attacked by several companies including DataEase International with its DataEase Express for Windows package .
25 Failures to cite relevant papers have been studied by several authors .
26 Both factors have been shown by several groups to be associated with changes in biliary bile acid composition .
27 Over the years the original anti-Common Marketeers have been joined by several other groups .
28 The change in refractive index of the polymer with temperature has been used by several workers to establish T g .
29 The rape victim was able to give such a good description , that an artist 's impression has been recognised by several people .
30 The 1975 Algiers agreement had been necessitated by several factors : Iraqi charges of Iranian moral and material support for Kurdish insurgents ; widespread Arab resentment ( which Iraq sought to champion ) of Iran 's seizure of the three islands down the Gulf with apparent British collusion in 1971 ; friction over the Shatt al-Arab concerning both frontier demarcation and responsibility for river traffic ; and Iraq 's 1972 treaty of friendship with the USSR , a neighbour regarded by Iran with some disquiet .
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