Example sentences of "[noun] have been [vb pp] on several " in BNC.

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1 The site has a special significance for Icelanders , whose independence has been compromised on several occasions over the years .
2 Forces from these garrisons have been used on several occasions against recalcitrant East European governments , though with the one exception of the limited uprising in the GDR in 1953 , they have always been extensively reinforced from the Western Military Districts of the USSR .
3 Thus , where a lease has been assigned on several occasions a series , or chain , of indemnities will be built up .
4 However their interpretation has been criticized on several counts which show that ‘ the family-firm analogy is misleading and generally overworked ; its character is usually symbolic or ideological rather than descriptive ’ ( Fruin 1980 p.432 ) .
5 From the early nineteenth century Japan had been approached on several occasions by Western nations active in Asian waters and anxious to initiate trading and other contacts .
6 This system has been implemented on several super-computers , since it provides scope for instruction overlapping ( described in 8.2 ) .
7 In situ occupation debris pre-dating the established mid to late second-century horizon has been located on several widely scattered sites , beyond that already noted beneath the east-west road and its side drains and the presumed public building(s) .
8 After housing , the service in which privatisation has made the most progress is the NHS , inroads have been made on several interrelated fronts .
9 It is not always easy to separate hardware and software and this fact has been demonstrated on several occasions in the courts .
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