Example sentences of "[noun] in front of [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been written that you look absolutely terrified when you parade your songs in front of live audiences .
2 Do not put fluffy rugs in front of open fires , where they are in the direct line of sparks .
3 Pilot David Moore , 47 , of Downend Horsley , Glos , was flying too low to pull out of a loop in front of horrified crowds , the South Manchester coroner heard .
4 Other abuses such as assaults tend not to take place in front of independent witnesses and proof will always be difficult .
5 Then the same bunch of faces pop up , standing in exactly the same positions , doing exactly the same things in front of different houses .
6 On a raised dais in front of large windows looking out on to the agricultural college gardens sat the Inspector .
7 Anarchy on a smaller scale is provided by photographer Kurt Buchwald who set up a ‘ Photography Forbidden ’ sign in front of innocuous subjects and then took photographs to see what happened .
8 We had some tight contests in front of big crowds .
9 He estimates he has spent a total of 20,000 hours in front of flickering images on a silver screen .
10 Police have received scores of complaints about dealers openly plying their trade in front of small children on street corners .
11 So you can bet there were raised eyebrows and knowing smiles when long-haired Moores hit the headlines recently after launching an amazing tirade on a Merseyside pressman in front of shocked hosts at Ipswich .
12 Mr McWhinney ( 55 ) , of Drumhark Road , Comber , died instantly when his single-engined Pulsar plunged to the ground in front of horrified spectators .
13 Most people would have keyed in their birthday as one of the few six-digit numbers — if you put a zero in front of single figures and for the months up to October and just the last two digits of the year — they can remember apart from their telephone number .
14 A Servitor with a tracked , snail-like body and padded hands that secreted fragrant antiseptic polish was buffing the floor of the rib-vaulted passageway where electrocandles flickered on sconces in front of scrimshaw-framed ikons ; and Lexandro must halt , so as not to incommode the two Marines .
15 There was no movement either , along the quay in front of long rows of deserted customs sheds .
16 Earlier this year they broke new ground by ‘ rehearsing ’ improvised material in front of small audiences at intimate venues across the land .
17 Robert-Houdin , J. N. Maskelyne and Ham Houdini all unmasked fraudulent psychics and repeated — and embellished — their tricks on stage in front of admiring audiences .
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