Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] whole of the " in BNC.

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1 Here the Lincolnshire Limewoods are to be found — the best area of small leaved limes in the whole of the British Isles .
2 Middlesbrough whistler Jeff Winter has been given the good news that he has been promoted to the Football League middle for the start of next season a distinction held by only 90 referees in the whole of the country .
3 The largest rock outcrop in the whole of the East Riding of Yorkshire , apart from coastal cliffs , is a deposit of breccia known as Drewton Pillar .
4 However , what message will he send to the electorate in the whole of the north-west ?
5 However , by the end of 1978 only 12 companies in the whole of the North West and North East of England had received financial support , amounting to a total of little more than £3 million .
6 The Fownhope well is one of only 3 land based exploratory rigs in the whole of the UK .
7 It is not just the absolute increase in military expenditure and its continuation in the whole of the post-war period which has led people to fear the creation of a military-industrial complex .
8 Professor Moule has seized on the fact that only in four places in the whole of the Old Testament does the Spirit seem to be associated with creation of the physical world — and even these four are patient of another interpretation .
9 And I think that somewhere along the line , erm , even if it 's only a moderate sum , we should make definite erm , approaches to start the ball rolling in this preventative effect , because I think we 're going , every , every budget head in the whole of the county or anythi or anybody else who 's got a budget , is going to pay the penalty , so I would like that to see if there 's any movement , any way we can address that particular problem , er , during our , our discussions .
10 And all this while we cruise gently to the most stunning ports in the whole of the Mediterranean .
11 Did my right hon. Friend see the survey in The Sunday Times which showed that some Welsh-medium schools offer excellent education — some of the best education in the whole of the United Kingdom ?
12 I would also like to nail the lie that the Conservatives do n't care about nursery education as put forward by Chris as Mrs already said this morning , Hertfordshire County Council has one of the best records of nursery education in the whole of the country , something like seventy five per cent of the client group currently have part time nursery places .
13 We are the only male dancers in the whole of the school and we feel that your statement does not give boys the encouragement they need to participate .
14 We are the only male dancers in the whole of the school and we feel that your statement does not give boys the encouragement they need to participate .
15 There are only 100 workplace nurseries in the whole of the UK .
16 One house was the most magnificent on the island and its garden was considered to be the best of its kind in the whole of the nation .
17 The allies calculate that they have already dropped on Iraqi targets about one-quarter of the total tonnage of bombs dropped on Germany in the whole of the second world war , and destroyed one-third of Iraq 's tanks and artillery in Kuwait .
18 The District Office obtained some extra coupons to keep tutor-organisers mobile and part-time tutors showed splendid generosity in using up their own allowances to fulfil their commitments : indeed , not one course in the whole of the District had to be abandoned part-way through the spring term because the tutor could not travel .
19 ‘ Who would have though there was so much sapient pearwood in the whole of the disc ? ’ he said .
20 North Cornwall must have some of the most spectacular scenery in the whole of the British Isles , and the coastline from Morwenstow to Looe consists of wild , towering cliffs that are so rugged many people have lost their lives on them .
21 About 40% of the potentially farmable sea water identified by the White Fish Authority in the whole of the United Kingdom is in the Western Isles .
22 However , the issue also reflected the fundamental unease of the British Foreign Office at the absence of a clear-cut American policy in the whole of the Far East , affecting China and Korea in addition to Japan .
23 It was the thing about er , my understanding is that people in the area and it 's probably the most densified area in the whole of the town are very very cagey about this !
24 They will take on responsibility for countryside management and access in the whole of the Sussex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONB ) between Harting in the west and Eastbourne in the east , and will be consulted on significant planning applications in the area .
25 Now Somerset is a long way away , but the first stopping place that they can find where they will be left undisturbed for a few days is in the Vale , and very shortly the Vale will be designated , so they 'll have to travel even further into west Oxford , which is going to be , if we 're not careful , the only undesignated district in the whole of the south of England , and I would n't want to be a resident of west Oxford in these circumstances .
26 Britain 's last Wimbledon singles champion , Virginia Wade , said : ‘ He symbolised the game in the whole of the country .
27 It 's an age when we feel but do n't think yet , but you did n't seem to have learnt a thing about either yourself or Jones in the whole of the six years since I saw you last . ’
28 That means one in ten disconnections in the whole of the UK is in Northern Ireland .
29 and er we moved over there because erm the Department was splitting at the seams really , because immediately there was erm , the war was over and there were all sorts of plans for erm for development and that sort of thing and erm as I 've already mentioned there were two , only two graduates in the whole of the Education Department who was Mr and er his Personal Assistant and erm then after the war there were three graduates appointed , all of them from erm , ex service men , there was Arthur who was erm Lieutenant Commander in the Navy , there was erm Bud , I ca n't remember his Christ proper christian name .
30 Phenomenal because it 's been such a difficult year , and this is erm a prize that 's given to the gentleman or lady that accrues the most points in the whole of the amateur section .
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