Example sentences of "[noun] of a [adj] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently many Greek writers of the fifth century and later realized that their own society was the end-product of a long period of advance .
2 In any case , a study of neolithic Early Minoan buildings very strongly implies that the temples were not an implant but the result of a long period of indigenous development .
3 By then the ethnic composition of its native population was multifarious and complex , being the result of a long period of prehistoric development .
4 He suggested that a day or so of drunken dissipation was the result of a previous period of intense labour .
5 Professor John in a seminal article stressed the great importance of the coincidence of a modest rate of population growth , putting no general pressure on a food supply expanded by a generation of agricultural improvement , with the bounty of a long period of good harvests .
6 In fact it is a remnant of a disastrous period in the history of European felines .
7 As an ex-member of 64 Squadron I would appreciate this recognition of a memorable period of RAF history .
8 They , they had a documentary on Metros apparently and the Me they said that Metros of a certain period for about , I think from his period sort of A registration , B registration , Y registration they 're absolute rubbish apparently .
9 er when Pearl , my other daughter came over Christmas , course Andrea was more or less still going through a bit of a rough period with between her grandfather and her , you know ?
10 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
11 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
12 Nonetheless , he condemned that same deluded world for its previous exclusion of Spain from the European Recovery Programme , thereby exacerbating the effects of a long period of exceptionally low rainfall .
13 At the very moment when Hurd was preparing to unveil the fruits of a long period of gestation in the form of a White Paper on criminal justice , Lawson resigned as Chancellor .
14 Most record company agreements are on the basis of a one-year period plus a number of options .
15 Each player has been set an individual achievement target , and has the security of a year-long period in which to prove himself .
16 For the duration of a fixed period after the setting of the flags , communication becomes more frequent and more customised .
17 He flew from London to Sweden at the beginning of December , and at the ceremony on 10 December he was described as " a leader and champion of a new period in the long history of the world 's poetry " .
18 Rather than ending divisions in the Labour Party , the controversies of 1935 mark the beginning of a new period of prolonged disunity .
19 It was the beginning of a frustrating period for Hunt and his mood swings were on the downturn .
20 That means the domestic sector faces the prospect of a prolonged period of persistent losses .
21 Since a call for , or a repayment of , special deposits requires a period of notice , the scheme is best suited to occasions when there is the prospect of a protracted period of surplus cash which the Bank wishes to offset .
22 Second , under the proposals , established partners who anticipate retiring after the five-year transitional relief has expired will pay tax in respect of a greater period of time than they have actually been a partner .
23 Why it was thought appropriate to leave the important matter of imposing tax on building societies to secondary rather than primary legislation in this way remains a mystery ; but , whatever the explanation , the experiment was a total disaster and resulted in the Revenue producing some regulations in respect of a particular period of assessment which were so hopelessly flawed that the House of Lords found itself compelled to declare them void as being ultra vires .
24 Incentive payments to staff in the form of a bonus relating to the whole firm or department are possible and where used should be made in respect of a known period of time or on completion of certain jobs .
25 It is also the culmination of a fifteen-year period in which the care of children had become a major political concern , the focus of media attention and public outrage , and an ideological battleground for rival pressure groups and experts .
26 Readers may like to think about the sort of policy interactions involved by asking themselves what would be the effects upon social life and social policy of the reintroduction of a two-year period of compulsory national service .
27 The physical and social legacies of a heavy period of de-industrialization were massive , although they varied a little between areas ( Chapter 11 ) .
28 As contemporary writing testifies , it was the sad end of a glorious period in English history .
29 A visit to India by the Nepalese Prime Minister , Krishna Prasad Bhattarai , in June 1990 had marked the end of a 15-month period of soured Indo-Nepalese relations [ see p. 37531 ] .
30 The view that the major industrial nations are in a period of transition — at the end of a long period of industrialism and entering a new phase of post-industrialism — pre-dates the onset of deindustrialization and the debates around the issue .
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